The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

‘Officers are scared out there’: Coronaviru­s hits police


More than a fifth of Detroit’s police force is quarantine­d; two officers have died from coronaviru­s and at least 39 have tested positive, including the chief of police.

For the 2,200-person department, that has meant officers working doubles and swapping between units to fill patrols. And everyone has their temperatur­e checked before they start work.

An increasing number of police department­s around the country are watching their ranks get sick as the number of coronaviru­s cases explodes across the U.S. The growing tally raises questions about how laws can and should be enforced during the pandemic, and about how department­s will hold up as the virus spreads among those whose work puts them at increased risk of infection.

“I don’t think it’s too far to say that officers are scared out there,” said Sgt. Manny Ramirez, president of Fort Worth Police Officers Associatio­n.

Nearly 690 officers and civilian employees at police department­s and sheriff’s offices around the country have tested positive for COVID-19, according to an Associated Press survey this week of over 40 law enforcemen­t agencies, mostly in major cities. The number of those in isolation as they await test results is far higher in many places.

Anticipati­ng shortages, police academies are accelerati­ng coursework to provide reinforcem­ents. Masks, gloves and huge volumes of hand sanitizer have been distribute­d. Roll call and staff meetings are happening outside, over the phone or online. Precinct offices, squad cars and equipment get deep cleaned in keeping with Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidance.

Yet, many are worried it’s not enough. This week, groups representi­ng American police and fire chiefs, sheriffs, mayors and county leaders asked President Donald Trump in a letter to use the Korean War-era Defense Production Act to ensure they have enough protective gear.

“We’re in war footing against an invisible enemy and we are on the verge of running out“of protective supplies, said Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo, president of the Major Cities Chiefs Associatio­n. “We’ve got hospitals calling police department­s, police department­s calling each other, and it’s time to nationaliz­e in terms of our response.”

Police are accustomed to meeting staffing crunches by canceling vacations and leave, putting officers on 12-hour on, 12-hour off schedules and, when necessary, by shifting detectives and other specialize­d personnel to patrol.

And officers are used to risk. It’s part of the job. But at a time when Americans are being advised to stay six feet from each other to combat an insidious virus that can live on surfaces for days, the perils and anxieties are new.

This crisis is unlike any American police forces have dealt with before, said former Boston Police Commission­er Ed Davis.

“We’re in unpreceden­ted territory here,” said Davis, who led the police department when the Boston Marathon bombing happened in 2013.

Streets are less crowded as people hunker in their homes. But police must prepare for the possibilit­y of civil unrest among people who become anxious or unhappy about government orders or hospitals that get overrun with patients, he said.

In New York, which has rapidly become the American epicenter of the pandemic, more than 500 NYPD personnel have come down with COVID-19, including 442 officers, and the department’s head of counter-terrorism was hospitaliz­ed with symptoms. Two NYPD employees have died. On a single day this week, Friday, 4,111 uniformed officers called in sick, more than 10% of the force and more than three times the daily average.

Leadership at America’s largest police department maintains that it’s continuing enforcemen­t as usual. But they’ve also said that if the disease continues to affect manpower the NYPD could switch patrol hours, or pull officers from specialize­d units and other parts of the city to fill gaps — steps also taken after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.

Chuck Wexler, executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum, based in Washington, D.C., said police can’t just go out of business.

“They need to have ways so that if one person goes down, who’s going to back that person up, so department­s are having to be innovative,” he said.

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