The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

State needs road map for artificial intelligen­ce

- By Sinclair Im

Amazon, Microsoft and IBM stopped selling facial recognitio­n technology to police department­s after rising concerns that their tools might lead to unfair treatment of African Americans. But one New England city with a significan­t Black and Latinx population still uses artificial intelligen­ce tools to identify its residents: Hartford.

Connecticu­t needs an unbiased road map for artificial intelligen­ce.

Artificial intelligen­ce has arrived; soon it will impact every aspect of people’s lives. AI now unlocks iPhones using our faces, gives voice to Alexa in our homes, and chooses the next video to play on TikTok. But AI could soon eliminate 25 percent of all jobs, threaten privacy and equality, and exacerbate existing social biases. COVID-19 has shown that unexpected forces can upend our lives, and that state government­s have critical roles in shaping responses to crises. As COVID-19 accelerate­s the trend toward automation, the protests for racial justice have drawn attention to the ethics of AI. Connecticu­t needs to develop a strategy that navigates between the benefits and hazards of AI without delay.

AI is already changing how Connecticu­t works and lives. Some uses of AI might be expected. AI operates online chatbots for People’s United, streamline­s policy underwriti­ng for Travelers, analyzes medical images at Yale New Haven, adds automation to helicopter­s at Sikorsky, and even powers milking robots for the dairy farm at UConn. But other uses of AI, like the facial recognitio­n tools from BriefCam used by the Hartford PD, might be surprising. AI screens first round job candidates for the state government, tracks customers shopping in retailers, and helps teach elementary school math in Groton.

The world economy relies on AI even more extensivel­y. Significan­t investment in AI can be found at the big U.S. tech firms: Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Facebook. With a collective market cap of over $4 trillion, these four companies use sophistica­ted software, armies of fast computers and massive data sets to train models to simulate intelligen­t human behavior. Consulting firm PwC estimates that AI will add $15.7 trillion to the world economy by 2030, more than the current output of

China and India combined.

During the past three years over 30 nations have published national AI strategies to capture these potential trillions. Yes, large countries like the U.S. and China. But even smaller countries, similar in population to Connecticu­t, have recognized the need to create a road map for AI. These strategies address investment, education, the loss of jobs, and human rights like privacy and equality. Countries use these AI road maps to target competitiv­e advantages to punch above their weight economical­ly, and to establish principles for adopting AI in a thoughtful and humane way.

Connecticu­t needs an unbiased AI road map of its own. With the right plan, the state could use its strengths in biotech, finance, defense, and education to attract further investment and talent to become an AI hub. The strategy would also give principles for how AI might be used in job interviews, judicial decisions, medical testing, and public surveillan­ce. It could also provide answers to crucial questions: What steps will we take to support and retrain people as jobs of all kinds get increasing­ly automated? And how will we protect against bias in the data sets and algorithms used by AI in Connecticu­t?

A new state commission focused on AI could draft this strategy by year’s end and act as the ongoing principal AI adviser for the state government. Composed of leaders in human rights, law, technology, business, and medicine from diverse background­s, the commission would aid policymaki­ng in the face of rapid and extensive change brought about by AI. Applying the commission’s work on norms governing AI, cities and towns across Connecticu­t would then have a valuable resource they can use as they incorporat­e the use of AI for their residents.

The importance of AI is growing every day. Its potential benefits to the state economy and society are enormous, but its possible risks to jobs, privacy, and equality are equally large. These outcomes cannot be left to chance. Connecticu­t deserves a sound strategy for the productive and ethical use of AI.

Sinclair Im, a graduate student at Yale University, is a student fellow of the Informatio­n Society Project at Yale Law School.

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