The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)



MIDDLETOWN — “Flames of My Homeland: The Cultural Revolution and Modern Tibet” with works by Tsering Dorje, Tsering Woeser, and Ian Boyden,” opens Feb. 23 in the Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery at Wesleyan University.

The exhibition is curated by Ian Boyden, William Frucht and Associate Professor of Religion and East Asian Studies Andrew Quintman, and continues until April 1.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the campus gallery is open to Wesleyan students, faculty, and staff.

From the gallery: The exhibition “Flames of My Homeland” brings together for the first time the work of the extraordin­ary father and daughter Tsering Dorje and Woeser to highlight their contributi­ons to Tibetan visual and literary culture, reveal new forms of Tibetan self-representa­tion, and explore the complex interplay of artistic, political, and religious expression in contempora­ry China. The exhibition features photograph­s by Tsering Dorje and Woeser, and a set of original collaborat­ive works by Woeser and Ian Boyden, featuring multimedia installati­ons including Woeser’s poetry in her own voice, and the video “The Birds Might Not Come.”

“The highest form of courage is simply saying or showing what’s true,” said co-curator William Frucht, Executive Editor for Political Science at Yale University Press. “Perhaps the most important thing Woeser inherited from her father is the courage to speak truth, and the ability to make it memorable.”

“There is an archaeolog­ical character to Woeser’s writing,” said co-curator, visual artist, poet and translator Ian Boyden. “Throughout her work she often focuses on loss, on the disappeara­nce of things, especially elements of the Tibetan cultural landscape—the Dalai Lama, monasterie­s, language, even people themselves. In this exhibition, we highlight this archaeolog­ical, fragmentar­y quality of her work, placing it in the context of her father’s photograph­y documentin­g the destructio­n of Lhasa during the Cultural Revolution.” Boyden is completing an English translatio­n of Woeser’s collected poems. His work was previously included in the exhibition “The Alumni Show II” on display in Wesleyan University’s Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery from September through December 2013; as well as the exhibition “Tripod Complex” on display in the College of East Asian Studies Gallery at Mansfield Freeman Center from September through December 2015.

A dedicated website for the exhibition launching this spring will feature additional images, text, poetry, and online events.

The works of Tsering Dorje and Tsering Woeser document the ravages of Tibetan society brought by the Cultural Revolution and their ongoing effects in Lhasa today. Tsering Dorje (c. 1937—1991), a native Tibetan, served as an officer in the People’s Liberation Army. His black and white photograph­s provide a rare visual record of the violence perpetrate­d in Tibet during a period of book burnings, political rallies, and public struggle sessions. His daughter, widely known by the single name Woeser, is a poet, essayist, and photograph­er, and is a leading Tibetan public intellectu­al in China whose work ranges from political criticism to reflection­s on Buddhist belief and practice, and the challenges of inhabiting both Chinese and Tibetan cultural worlds. Together, Tsering Dorje and Woeser are among the most important contributo­rs to our understand­ing of Tibetan religion, history, and culture in the post-Mao era.

Related online events are free; registrati­on is required. Programs are on Zoom .

Feb. 23, 4:30 p.m.: “Flames of My Homeland” Talk: Ian Boyden and William Frucht

March 30, 4:30 p.m.: Burning for Buddhism: Art, Memory and Resistance in Tibet - Robert Barnett and Barbara Demick

April 20, 4:30 p.m.: Photograph­y and Tibet: Widening the Frame with Clare Harris.

For details and registrati­on go to galleries/zilkha-exhibition/index.html

 ?? Tsering Dorje / Contribute­d photos ?? “Flames of My Homeland: The Cultural Revolution and Modern Tibet — Works by Tsering Dorje, Tsering Woeser, and Ian Boyden,” an exhibition curated by Ian Boyden ‘95, William Frucht, and Associate Professor of Religion and East Asian Studies Andrew Quintman, will be on display in Wesleyan University’s Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery Feb. 23-April 1.
Tsering Dorje / Contribute­d photos “Flames of My Homeland: The Cultural Revolution and Modern Tibet — Works by Tsering Dorje, Tsering Woeser, and Ian Boyden,” an exhibition curated by Ian Boyden ‘95, William Frucht, and Associate Professor of Religion and East Asian Studies Andrew Quintman, will be on display in Wesleyan University’s Ezra and Cecile Zilkha Gallery Feb. 23-April 1.
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