The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Stonington vet challenges Courtney

DiLizia sees ‘uphill battle’ in 2nd Dist. U.S. House race

- By John Moritz

For the first time in his 14-year congressio­nal career, a member of his own party is challengin­g U.S. Rep Joe Courtney, D-Vernon, in a primary.

Anthony DiLizia, an 25-year-old U.S. Army veteran from Stonington, announced plans this week to challenge the six-term congressma­n in 2022 by highlighti­ng the issues of term limits, increasing the minimum wage and “more aggressive” education reform.

The political newcomer would be the youngest person from Connecticu­t ever elected to Congress if he wins, as well as the first openly gay congressma­n from the state.

In an interview with Hearst Connecticu­t Media, he acknowledg­ed he faces an “uphill battle” against Courtney’s deep ties in the

2nd Congressio­nal District and well-funded reelection campaign.

“It’s important to realize that yes, Rep. Courtney is certainly popular with the Connecticu­t political machine and he has a lot of backing, but ultimately, the voters do want a change,” DiLizia said.

DiLizia described himself as a more liberal alternativ­e to the incumbent, saying he supports the “Green New Deal,” a $15 minimum wage and making public colleges “a lot more affordable, if not free.”

Since he was first elected to represent his eastern Connecticu­t district by 83 votes in 2006, Courtney has never earned less than 58 percent of the vote in any of his reelection campaigns against Republican opponents.

Courtney serves on the House Armed Services Committee and is chairman of the Seapower and Projection forces subcommitt­ee, where he has helped secure federal contracts to build two submarines a year in Groton. On Wednesday, Courtney’s office announced the congressma­n would begin serving as the co-chairman of the Long Island Sound Caucus.

Despite their policy difference­s, DiLizia said he had “nothing but respect” for Courtney, who he said had done a “good job representi­ng the district.”

A spokesman for Courtney’s campaign declined to comment.

DiLizia pointed to his background serving as intelligen­ce analyst in the U.S. Army, where he said he was deployed to the Middle East, as the rationale behind his decision to run for Congress, rather than seeking an office at the state or local level.

“Especially as an intelligen­ce analyst, right, you really delve deep into the world politics ... and how they affect the military and the country as a whole,” DiLizia said. “So, even though I don’t have experience in politics, per se, in a specific office, I definitely would say I have experience as far as local and United States and world cultures and politics.”

Courtney has $766,042 available to spend for his reelection, according to reports filed with the Federal Election Commission this month. During the first six months of this year, he raised $158,622.

DiLizia said he has yet to reach the $5,000 fundraisin­g threshold to file his first report with the FEC. He said he hoped to raise half that amount by the end of the weekend, after holding a campaign kickoff event Saturday in his hometown of Stonington.

“If we could reach even half of what Rep. Courtney raised in the last cycle, I would be happy with that,” DiLizia said.

State Rep. Mike France, R- Ledyard, announced earlier this year that he will run in the 2nd District. As of his latest FEC filing, France had raised $114,240 and had $88,637 leftover to spend.

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