The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

Blame energy policy for Ukraine war


Joe Biden and his Green New Deal handlers are largely to blame for this war in Ukraine. Biden’s handlers put a halt on the Keystone pipeline drilling permits and limited our own oil and gas production, which cost thousands of good-paying jobs and are driving up our gas prices and inflation. We were energy independen­t under Trump. We could have exported oil and natural gas to Europe, cutting off dependence on Russian energy, which is Russia’s main export. Trump put sanctions on the Nord Stream Two pipeline which provided Europe with oil. Biden lifted those sanctions and greenlight­ed Russia oil exports to Europe. This was music to Putin’s ears. Putin uses oil as a weapon. After he seen the Biden administra­tion energy policy and the disastrous Afghanista­n withdrawal he was emboldened to go into Ukraine. Biden asked Putin and OPEC to ramp up oil production for us to buy. Even after this war started we were buying $800,000 worth of Russian oil a day, which was subsidizin­g this war. Now the Biden administra­tion is hopefully going to put a stop to this bad policy. Now he’s asking Venezuela and of all places Iran to sell us oil unbelievab­le.

Joe Biden and his Green New Deal obsession handlers created this mess. They are either stupid or just don’t realize that the sun doesn’t come out everyday. The wind doesn’t blow hard enough everyday. We don’t have battery capacity to run renewable energy 24 hours a day just look at California which has rolling blackouts. Something has to provide base-load power, right now it’s petroleum. A bunch of wind farms and solar panels panels isn’t going to do it. Being energy independen­t is national security. We need to stop with these energy policy disasters, ramp up our own oil and natural gas production and stop buying energy from other countries. Estimates are we have over 150 years’ worth of it. This will lower our gas prices which will lower inflation and I’m sure most people who drive gas-powered vehicles miss those $2 a gallon gas prices.

Robert Mele East Haven

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