The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

New movies to stream this week: ‘The Man From Toronto’ and more


Woody Harrelson and Kevin Hart star in “The Man From Toronto,” a violent and fitfully amusing buddy comedy/ action flick about a hapless nobody from Yorktown, Pa., named Teddy (Hart) who, while vacationin­g with his wife ( Jasmine Mathews) in Onancock, Va., is somehow mistaken for Harrelson’s character: a sort of assassin/torturer who carries out nasty assignment­s for a mysterious handler (Ellen Barkin). “The Man From Toronto 2.” PG-13. Available on Netflix. Contains violence throughout, some strong language and suggestive material. 112 minutes.

According to the Wrap, “Abandoned” is a “listless” haunted-house thriller starring Emma Roberts and John Gallagher Jr. as new parents who move into an old farmhouse that, unbeknown to them, is the site of an old murder. Michael Shannon plays a creepy neighbor. PG-13. Available on demand. Contains terror, some violence, mature thematic material and brief strong language. 102 minutes.

A follow-up to Bretten Hannam’s debut film, “North Mountain,” “Wildhood” tells the story of an Indigenous teenager (Phillip Lewitski) and his half brother (Avery Winters-Anthony), who run away from an abusive father in search of the mother they erroneousl­y thought was dead. The film, according to the Hollywood Reporter, combines the “foundation of heart-rending coming-of-age narratives with the feel-good elements of road trip flicks to create a delicate, not to mention visually appealing, sophomore film.” Unrated. In English and Mi’kmaq with subtitles. 99 minutes.

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