The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

White supremacis­t gets life in prison for Buffalo massacre

- By Carolyn Thompson and Jennifer Peltz

BUFFALO, N.Y. — A white supremacis­t who killed 10 Black people at a Buffalo supermarke­t was sentenced to life in prison without parole Wednesday after relatives of his victims confronted him with pain and rage caused by his racist attack.

Anger briefly turned physical at Payton Gendron’s sentencing when a man in the audience rushed at him. The man was quickly restrained; prosecutor­s later said he wouldn’t be charged. The proceeding then resumed with more emotional outpouring from people who lost loved ones or were themselves wounded in the attack.

Gendron, whose hatred was fueled by racist conspiracy theories he encountere­d online, cried during some of the testimony and apologized to victims and their families in a brief statement.

Some angrily condemned him; others quoted from the Bible or said they were praying for him. Several pointed out that he deliberate­ly attacked a Black community far from his nearly all-white hometown.

“You’ve been brainwashe­d,” Wayne Jones Sr., the only child of victim Celestine Chaney, said as sobs rose from the audience. “You don’t even know Black people that much to hate them. You learned this on the internet, and it was a big mistake.”

“I hope you find it in your heart to apologize to these people, man. You did wrong for no reason,” Jones said.

Gendron pleaded guilty in November to crimes including murder and domestic terrorism motivated by hate, a charge that carried an automatic life sentence.

“There can be no mercy for you, no understand­ing, no second chances,” Judge Susan Eagan said as she sentenced him.

Gendron, 19, also faces separate federal charges that could carry a death sentence if the U.S. Justice Department chooses to seek it. His defense attorney said in December that Gendron is prepared

to plead guilty in federal court as well to avoid execution. New York state does not have the death penalty.

Gendron wore bullet-resistant armor and a helmet equipped with a livestream­ing camera as he carried out the May 14 attack with a semiautoma­tic rifle he purchased legally but then modified so he could load it with illegal high-capacity ammunition magazines.

Tamika Harper, a niece of victim Geraldine Talley, said she hoped Gendron would pray for forgivenes­s.

“Do I hate you? No. Do I want you to die? No. I want you to stay alive. I want you to think about this every day of your life,” she said, speaking gently. “Think about my family and the other nine families that you’ve destroyed forever.”

Kimberly Salter, the widow of security guard Aaron Salter, explained that she and her family were wearing “red for the blood that he shed for his family and for his community, and black because

we are still grieving.”

Christophe­r Braden, a Tops Friendly Market employee who was shot in the leg, said he was haunted by seeing the victims where they lay as he was carried out of the store.

“The visions haunt me in my sleep and every day,” he said.

Barbara Massey Mapps excoriated him for killing her 72-yearold sister, Katherine Massey. As Mapps shouted and pointed at Gendron, a person in the audience took a few steps toward him before getting held back.

“You don’t know what we’re going through,” a man shouted as he was led away by court officers. For several minutes thereafter, family members hugged and calmed each other.

Eagan then ordered Gendron back in and let the proceeding resume after admonishin­g everyone to “conduct ourselves appropriat­ely.”

In his short statement, Gendron acknowledg­ed he “shot and killed people because they were Black.”

“I believed what I read online and acted out of hate, and now I can’t take it back, but I wish I could, and I don’t want anyone to be inspired by me,” he said as a woman in the courtroom audience stood up, screamed that “we don’t need” his remarks and stormed out.

There were only three survivors among the 13 people he shot while specifical­ly seeking out Black shoppers and workers.

His victims at the Tops market included a church deacon, the grocery store’s guard, a neighborho­od activist, a man shopping for a birthday cake, a grandmothe­r of nine and the mother of a former Buffalo fire commission­er. The victims ranged in age from 32 to 86.

In documents posted online, Gendron said he hoped the attack would help preserve white power in the U.S. He wrote that he picked the Tops grocery store, about a three-hour drive from his home in Conklin, New York, because it was in a predominan­tly Black neighborho­od.

 ?? Derek Gee/Associated Press ?? Gunman Payton Gendron reads an apology to the court at his sentencing before Erie County Court Judge Susan Eagan on Wednesday in Buffalo, N.Y. Gendron, a white supremacis­t who killed 10 Black people at a Buffalo supermarke­t was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
Derek Gee/Associated Press Gunman Payton Gendron reads an apology to the court at his sentencing before Erie County Court Judge Susan Eagan on Wednesday in Buffalo, N.Y. Gendron, a white supremacis­t who killed 10 Black people at a Buffalo supermarke­t was sentenced to life in prison without parole.

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