The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

World on brink of climate calamity: U.N.

- By Sarah Kaplan

Human activities have transforme­d the planet at a pace and scale unmatched in recorded history, causing irreversib­le damage to communitie­s and ecosystems, according to one of the most definitive reports ever published about climate change. Leading scientists warned that the world’s plans to combat these changes are inadequate and that more aggressive actions must be taken to avert catastroph­ic warming.

The report released Monday from the United Nations’ Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change found the world is likely to miss its most ambitious climate target — limiting warming to 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit above preindustr­ial temperatur­es — within a decade. Beyond that threshold, scientists have found, climate disasters will become so extreme people cannot adapt. Heat waves, famines and infectious diseases will claim millions of additional lives. Basic components of the Earth system will be fundamenta­lly, irrevocabl­y altered.

Monday’s assessment synthesize­s years of studies on the causes and consequenc­es of rising temperatur­es, leading U.N. Secretary General António Guterres to demand that developed countries like the United States eliminate carbon emissions by 2040 — a decade earlier than the rest of the world.

With few nations on track to fulfill their climate commitment­s and with the developing world already suffering disproport­ionately from climate disasters, he said, rich countries have a responsibi­lity to act faster than their low-income counterpar­ts.

The world already has all the knowledge, tools and financial resources needed to achieve its climate goals, according to the IPCC. But after decades of disregardi­ng scientific warnings and delaying climate efforts, it adds, humanity’s window for action is rapidly closing.

“Climate change is a threat to human wellbeing and planetary health,” the report says. “The choices and actions implemente­d in this decade will have impacts now and for thousands of years.”

Calling the report a “how-to guide to defuse the climate time-bomb,” Guterres announced on Monday an “accelerati­on agenda” that would speed up global actions on climate.

Emerging economies including China and India - which plan to reach net zero in 2060 and 2070, respective­ly — must hasten their emissions-cutting efforts alongside developed nations, Guterres said.

Both the U.N. chief and the IPCC also called for the world to phase out coal, oil and gas, which are responsibl­e for more than three quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions.

“Every country must be part of the solution,” Guterres said. “Demanding others move first only ensures humanity comes last.”

A stark scientific outlook

Already, the IPCC’s synthesis report shows, humanity has fundamenta­lly and irreversib­ly transforme­d the Earth system. Emissions from burning fossil fuels and other planet-warming activities have increased global average temperatur­es by at least 2 degrees Fahrenheit since the start

of the industrial era. The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere hasn’t been this high since archaic humans carved the first stone tools.

These changes have caused irrevocabl­e damage to communitie­s and ecosystems, evidence shows: Fish population­s are dwindling, farms are less productive, infectious diseases have multiplied, and weather disasters are escalating to unheard of extremes. The risks from this relatively low level of warming are turning out to be greater than scientists anticipate­d — not because of any flaw in their research, but because human-built infrastruc­ture, social networks and economic systems have proved exceptiona­lly vulnerable to even small amounts of climate change, the report said.

The suffering is worst in the world’s poorest countries and low-lying island nations, which are home to roughly 1 billion people yet account for less than 1% of humanity’s total planet-warming pollution, the report says. But as climate disruption increases with rising temperatur­es, not even the wealthiest and most wellprotec­ted places will be immune.

The researcher­s say it’s all but inevitable that the world will surpass 1.5 degree Fahrenheit of warming by the early 2030s — pushing the planet past a threshold at which scientists say climate change will become increasing­ly unmanageab­le.

In 2018, the IPCC found that a 1.5 degree world is overwhelmi­ngly safer than one that is 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the pre-industrial era. At the time, scientists said humanity would have to zero out carbon emissions by 2050 to meet the 1.5 degree target and by 2070 to avoid warming beyond 35 degrees.

Five years later, humanity isn’t anywhere close to reaching either goal. Unless nations adopt new environmen­tal policies and rapidly shift their economies away from fossil fuels, the synthesis report says, global average temperatur­es could warm by 1.5 degrees by the end of the century. In that scenario, a child born today will live to see several feet of sea level rise, the extinction

of hundreds of species and the migration of millions of people from places where they can no longer survive.

“We are not doing enough, and the poor and vulnerable are bearing the brunt of our collective failure to act,” said Madeleine Diouf Sarr, Senegal’s top climate official and the chair for a group of least developed countries that negotiate together at the U.N.

She pointed to the damage wrought by Cyclone Freddy, the longest-lasting and most energetic tropical storm on record, which has killed hundreds of people and displaced thousands more after bombarding southern Africa and Madagascar for more than a month. The report shows that higher temperatur­es make storms more powerful and sea level rise makes flooding from these storms more intense. Meanwhile, the death toll from these kinds disasters is 15 times higher in vulnerable nations than in wealthier parts of the world.

If the world stays on its current warming track, the IPCC says, global flood damages will be as much as four times higher than if people limit temperatur­e rise to 1.5 degrees.

“The world cannot ignore the human cost of inaction,” Sarr said.

The price of delay

Though much of the synthesis report echoes warnings scientists have issued for decades, the assessment is notable for the blunt certainty of its rhetoric. The phrase “high confidence” appears 118 times in the 26-page summary chapter. Humanity’s responsibi­lity for all the warming of the global climate system is described as an unassailab­le “fact.”

Yet the report also details how public officials, private investors and other powerful groups have repeatedly failed to heed those warnings. More than 40% of cumulative carbon emissions have occurred since 1990 — when the IPCC published its first report on the dangerous consequenc­es of unchecked warming. The consumptio­n habits of the wealthiest 10% of people generate three times as much pollution as those of

the poorest 50%, the report said.

Decades of delay have denied the world any hope of an easy and gradual transition to a more sustainabl­e economy, the panel says. Now, only “deep, rapid and . . . immediate” efforts across all aspects of society will be able to stave off catastroph­e.

“It’s not just the way we produce and use energy,” said Christophe­r Trisos, director of the Climate Risk Lab in the African Climate and Developmen­t Initiative at the University of Cape Town and a member of the core writing team for the synthesis report. “It’s the way we consume food, the way we protect nature. It’s kind of like everything, everywhere, all at once.”

But few institutio­ns are acting fast enough, the report said. November’s U.N. climate conference in Egypt ended without a resolution to phase down oil, gas and coal — a baseline requiremen­t for curbing climate change. Last year, China approved its largest expansion of coalfired power plants since 2015. Amid soaring profits, major oil companies are dialing back their clean-energy initiative­s and deepening investment­s in fossil fuels.

Humanity is rapidly burning through the amount of pollution the world can afford to emit and still meet its warming targets, the IPCC said, and projected emissions from existing fossil fuel infrastruc­ture will make it impossible to avoid the 34.7 degree threshold.

Yet even as environmen­tal ministers met in Switzerlan­d last week to finalize the text of the IPCC report, the U.S. government approved a new Arctic drilling project that is expected produce oil for the next 30 years, noted Hans-Otto Pörtner, a climatolog­ist at Germany’s Alfred Wegener Institute and a co-author of a dozen IPCC reports, including the latest one.

“These decisions don’t match reality,” he said. “There is no more room for compromise­s.”

Failure to act now won’t only condemn humanity to a hotter planet, the IPCC says. It will also make it impossible for future generation­s to cope with their changed environmen­t.

There are thresholds to how much warming people and ecosystems can adapt to. Some are “soft” limits — determined by shortcomin­gs in political and social systems. For example, a low-income community that can’t afford to build flood controls faces soft limits to dealing with sea level rise.

But beyond 1.5 degrees of warming, the report says, humanity will run up against “hard limits” to adaptation. Temperatur­es will get too high to grow many staple crops. Droughts will become so severe that even the strongest water conservati­on measures can’t compensate. In a world that has warmed roughly 5.4 degrees Fahrenheit — where humanity is currently headed — the harsh physical realities of climate change will be deadly for countless plants, animals and people.

‘It does not mean we are doomed’

Despite its stark language and dire warnings, the IPCC report sends a message of possibilit­y, said Friederike Otto, a climate scientist at Imperial College London and a member of the core writing team for the report.

“It’s not that we are depending on something that still needs to be invented,” she said. “We actually have all the knowledge we need. All the tools we need. We just need to implement it.”

In many regions, the report says, electricit­y from renewable sources like solar and wind is now cheaper than power from fossil fuels. Several countries have significan­tly reduced their emissions in the past decade, even as their economies grew. New analyses show how efforts to fight climate change can benefit society in countless other ways, from improving air quality to enhancing ecosystems to boosting public health. These “co-benefits” well outweigh the costs of near-term emissions reductions, even without accounting for the long-term advantages of avoiding dangerous warming.

Report authors say the IPCC’s assessment comes at a moment of truth for climate action. Starting this year, nations are required

to start updating the emissions-cutting pledges they made in Paris in 2015.

The pledges are far from sufficient to fulfill the goals of the Paris agreement, the IPCC says, and most nations are not on track even to meet even those targets. Countries must cut their greenhouse gas emissions by almost half before 2030 for the world to have a 50-50 chance of limiting warming to 1.5 degrees, the report said.

Unless the world commits to much deeper and faster emissions this decade, it will probably be impossible to limit warming to 1.5 degrees, the IPCC said. People will live with consequenc­es of that failure for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.

“This is a truly a unique moment to be alive,” said Kaisa Kosonen, a climate expert for Greenpeace Internatio­nal who represente­d the nonprofit at the synthesis report approval meeting last week. “The threats are bigger than ever before, but so are our opportunit­ies for change.”

The need to consider climate change’s unequal impacts is a through line in this latest IPCC report. costs of climate change. At last year’s U.N. climate conference, nations agreed to establish a fund that would help pay vulnerable communitie­s for irreversib­le harms.

By the time diplomats meet again in Dubai in December, they are expected to hash out the details of that fund, determinin­g who deserves compensati­on and who should be on the hook for the bill.

The need to consider climate change’s unequal impacts is a through line in the latest IPCC report. Stronger social safety nets and “redistribu­tive policies that shield the poor and vulnerable” can help build support for the kind of disruptive changes needed to curb carbon emissions, it says.

Sharing resources with low-income countries and marginaliz­ed communitie­s is necessary to enable them to invest in renewable energy and other forms of sustainabi­lity.

“It gives a goal to work towards, to a world that looks different,” Otto said of the report.

“It does not mean we are doomed.”

 ?? Katherine Frey/The Washington Post ?? The world already has all the knowledge, tools and financial resources needed to achieve its climate goals, according to the IPCC. But after decades of disregardi­ng scientific warnings and delaying climate efforts, it adds, humanity’s window for action is rapidly closing.
Katherine Frey/The Washington Post The world already has all the knowledge, tools and financial resources needed to achieve its climate goals, according to the IPCC. But after decades of disregardi­ng scientific warnings and delaying climate efforts, it adds, humanity’s window for action is rapidly closing.

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