The Middletown Press (Middletown, CT)

League chooses the crass player


Dear Abby:

My wife and I play on a pool team. About a year ago, the team captain looked at my wife and said, “So, can I play with your lower private area?” (He didn’t use those words.)

He has made dumb comments before, and I’ve warned him several times. This time when I told him, he was dumb enough to invite me outside. I slapped him around a bit.

Now the members of the league here have shunned my wife and me. Was I wrong? Should I have let that guy talk to my wife like that?

Second-Guessing in the South

Dear Second-Guessing:

Violence is never the answer. You and your wife should have left as soon as those words were uttered. As for the rest of the league shunning you, I think it’s time you found another league to play pool with — one with nice people to compete with, rather than animals.

Dear Abby:

A friend of mine just passed away, and while I was visiting with my daughter, I mentioned it. My daughter’s response to the sad news was, “I don’t care. I didn’t know them!” I told her I thought her response was rude.

When they were young, I always taught my children to treat others the way you expect them to treat you, and if you don’t have something nice to say, say nothing. When I heard what she said, I felt I had failed in my duty as a parent to teach her the values my parents instilled in me.

Maybe, since I’m sad for the loss of my friend, I took what she said wrong. Any advice on how I should approach this with my daughter would be greatly appreciate­d.

Feeling Like a Failure

Dear Feeling:

Your daughter appears to lack any sense of empathy. What she said was unkind and dismissive. She may be self-centered, or was annoyed with you or about something else going on in her life when she said it. You have every right to tell her how her comment affected you at a time when you were feeling vulnerable. But don’t blame yourself for your daughter’s insensitiv­ity. That’s on her, not you.

Dear Abby:

I am a loving husband of a wonderful wife of 40-plus years, but I have one issue with her that I can’t understand. If I mention, in a very carefully worded manner, something she does that annoys me, she retaliates by bringing up things from decades in the past about me.

I have corrected my past behaviors, but she seems to use this as a way of “twisting the knife,” knowing it hurts me. I have tried explaining this to her, but she still does it. Do I just ignore her annoying behavior? Is this her defensive way of getting back at me? What should I do?

Wounded in Colorado

Dear Wounded:

Your wife is not getting back at you for anything. What she is doing is avoiding owning up to the fact that something she does annoys you instead of apologizin­g or correcting it. Remember the saying “the best defense is a strong offense.”

Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

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