The Morning Call (Sunday)

Solutions for climate change a bipartisan idea


It was recently suggested that, in order to combat climate change, Democrats wanted to tax fossil fuels out of existence and that Republican­s are a better option. This reinforces a public perception that fighting global warming is a Democratic issue only, probably due to Al Gore.

However, it was Sen. McCain who in 2003 first proposed a cap-and-trade program for carbon dioxide. The idea of a carbon fee and dividend program is not the brainchild of any Democratic organizati­on but was first proposed by the nonprofit, nonpartisa­n Citizens’ Climate Lobby.

A slightly modified version was later proposed by the Climate Leadership Council in 2017. This council was founded by such senior Republican statesmen as George P. Shultz and James A. Baker III and highly respected American economists as Ben Bernanke and Martin

consequenc­es for their actions.

Trump also said that there would be a middle-class tax cut. This was a ridiculous claim from the start since Congress was, and remains, out of session. However, his sycophanti­c followers believed him. Needless to say, the tax cut has not, and will not, be happening.

Finally, he has repeatedly asserted, without any evidence or factual support, that the refugee caravan from Honduras was financiall­y supported by George Soros and contains terrorists from the Feldstein. The council also includes such corporate founding members as AT&T, BP, Exxon, Johnson & Johnson, MetLife and Shell Oil.

Addressing impacts of climate change is not a partisan issue. One only needs to look at the devastatio­n from recent storms to realize that party affiliatio­n does not matter. Also more than just alarmists have been willing to go on record supporting a carbon fee and dividend program. Randy Gyory

Albany Township

Middle East.

It is clear and very simple; he is an inveterate liar.

Gary A. Brienza

Bethlehem Township

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