The Morning Call (Sunday)

Congress is seeking tax returns just to harass the president


The controvers­y over President Trump’s tax returns continues to intrigue me. It strains credibilit­y that a statute allows Congress access to anyone’s income tax return at any time for any reason. I saw enough politiciza­tion of the IRS during the Obama era.

On the one hand, it is helpful when politician­s release their tax returns. Look how hypocritic­al that “man-of-the-people” Bernie Sanders appears when we see two recent years of $1 million income. Or that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris donate a lower percentage of their income to charity than the average American.

Unlike most politician­s, Trump has extensive business interests, especially in real estate deals governed by numerous, sometime murky, tax regulation­s. His voluminous tax returns would require months to analyze, critique and play out on CNN.

Therefore, publicizin­g details about Trump’s numerous and complex business activities seems unwarrante­d and unnecessar­y. Congressma­n Nadler’s committee — which likely cannot distinguis­h between a tax credit and a tax deduction — is going to dispassion­ately critique the IRS audits for nonpolitic­al reasons? That is really rich.

Perhaps the required financial disclosure­s completed by Trump and many others are inadequate. If so, let’s work on improving them instead of subpoenain­g a political opponent’s tax returns solely to harass that opponent.

James Largay

Upper Saucon Township

the time to honor those still fighting on the front lines

Sheila Berg

Weisenberg Township

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