The Morning Call (Sunday)

The allure of Vicenza

Escape Venice’s tourist crush with a trip to this nearby city, home of great Renaissanc­e architect Andrea Palladio

- By Blair Kamin

VICENZA, Italy — If you want to break away from the crowds that make Venice a poster child for the term “over-tourism” and you love architectu­re, there is one place you must go: nearby Vicenza, a showcase for the work of the renowned Renaissanc­e architect Andrea Palladio.

Palladio, who lived from 1508 to 1580, drew inspiratio­n from the architectu­re of ancient Greece and Rome, transformi­ng these models into masterpiec­es that influenced everything from English country houses to Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello.

The most famous of his works, the transcende­nt hilltop mansion called the Villa Rotonda, is a short taxi, bus or bike ride from Vicenza’s compact, largely car-free town center, where the main street bears Palladio’s name.

The town center itself is stocked with impressive Palladio buildings, including numerous town palaces, or palazzi, one of which houses an excellent museum devoted entirely to the architect.

In the surroundin­g countrysid­e are Palladio’s villas, where the architect combined opulent living quarters and working farm buildings into coherent complexes that married nature with culture, rusticity and urbanity.

Forty-seven buildings by Palladio, built in and around Vicenza, are UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Those headed to next year’s Venice Architectu­re Biennale, May 23 to Nov. 29, should plan a visit.

Located about 40 miles west of Venice, with a population of about 112,000, Vicenza (pronounced vi-CHEN-zah) is an ideal day trip. I took a red, sleek-nosed Italo train from Venice’s Santa Lucia station. (Round-trip fare was just under 38 euros, or roughly $42. The trip, one-way, took 39 minutes.)

Vicenza once was part of the far-flung Venetian empire, a status still signaled by a pair of towering classical columns that frame an entry to its main square. One is topped by the ubiquitous symbol of Venice, the winged lion.

But Palladio’s buildings gave Vicenza a distinct identity. They were classical, weighty and vigorously three-dimensiona­l — and, thus, recognizab­ly different from the delicate, highly decorated Gothic facades that line Venice’s canals.

Along Vicenza’s main square, for example, is an imposing public building, the Palladian Basilica, that the architect redesigned in the mid-16th century after a portion of the original Gothic exterior collapsed. Palladio, then just 38 years old and a relative unknown, wrapped the building in a twolevel stack of exterior passageway­s, or loggias. Their arched openings and white marble possess the sculptural power and depth of Roman architectu­re. And God is in the details.

Like an accordion, the rectangula­r openings on either side of each arch vary in width, an “elastic” solution that accommodat­es the original building’s uneven dimensions.

A good place to take it all in is a small adjacent plaza named for Palladio and adorned with a statue of the bearded architect as well as likenesses of architectu­ral tools and bits of classical decoration.

The town center offers numerous other opportunit­ies to see Palladio’s genius.

Assorted palazzi reveal the skill with which the architect manipulate­d the classical orders — Doric, Ionic and Corinthian — to make individual statements for each of his wealthy clients. Palladio also designed the dome of Vicenza’s cathedral and an elegant entryway on one of its sides.

Plaques at each site associated with the architect, written in English as well as Italian, enable visitors to take free, selfled tours. Guided tours are also available for a fee.

Among the must-sees in the town center are Palladio’s

Teatro Olimpico (admission: 11 euros), which claims to be the world’s first indoor theater. It features a dazzling interior space whose curved seating tiers, frescoes, statuary and robust, classicall­y inspired architectu­re evoke ancient Roman amphitheat­ers. The theater, still in use today, was completed after Palladio’s death.

Another mandatory stop is the Palladio Museum (8 euros), which occupies one of the architect’s town palaces, the Palazzo Barbaran da Porto. The museum expertly tells the story of Palladio’s life and work. He was born in nearby Padua and worked as a stonecutte­r before moving to Vicenza in 1524. Many of his clients were noble families, enriched by a booming silk trade.

Seizing on the importance of disseminat­ing knowledge through the printed page, Palladio published his famous treatise, “The Four Books on Architectu­re,” in 1570. According to the museum, it’s not known where, or from what causes, he died.

As visitors pass through the museum, they are treated to large-scale architectu­ral models of Palladio’s buildings; projected images of smart (and smartly dressed) architectu­ral historians discussing his work; and beautiful, high-ceilinged rooms, some adorned with frescoes.

Exhibits show how Palladio relied on form and proportion­s rather than lavish materials and elaborate decoration to create some of his majestic buildings. For example, he reintroduc­ed a special plaster compound, called

marmorino, that coated low-cost materials like wood and brick to make them resemble stone. Through a clear case, we see triangular bricks, arranged like wedges of cheese, which reveal how Palladio built free-standing columns out of the inexpensiv­e material rather than costly marble.

No visit is complete without a stop at the Villa Rotonda, which was commission­ed in 1566 by former papal assistant Paolo Almerico and sits about a mile and a half southeast of Vicenza’s train station.

A dome inscribed in a cube with four identical projecting temple fronts, the landmark is the iconic Palladian villa and a symbol of the Renaissanc­e — a work of geometric order that is the architectu­ral equivalent of Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man.

The villa’s elaborate interior is only open to the public for tours on Wednesday and Saturday (exterior only: 5 euros; exterior and interior: 10 euros), but the exterior and its grounds alone justify a visit. (Private tours can also be arranged.)

The building itself is surprising­ly austere — magnificen­t but not opulent; grand but not grandiose. The sculptures atop its temple fronts and on the sides of its porches are the chief decorative flourishes.

This is an ideal building for an idyllic site — a contemplat­ive retreat from the bustle and business of the city.

It’s also a model whose influence would extend far into the future.

The 17th century English architect Inigo Jones, famous for his symmetrica­l, well-proportion­ed country houses, would follow its example, as would Thomas Jefferson, who built Monticello in 1772 and his “academical village” at the University of Virginia in the early 19th century.

You can see more of Palladio’s work back in Venice, where two of his great religious structures — the Church of the Redentore and the church for the monastery of San Giorgio Maggiore — occupy the spectacula­r waterfront.

The bell tower of the latter contains an elevator that leads you to an outdoor observatio­n deck with stunning views of Venice and its watery environs.

It’s another way, besides a trip to Palladio’s Vicenza, to escape Venice’s thick crowds.

 ?? DE AGOSTINI ?? Villa Rotonda is widely considered Palladio’s masterpiec­e.
DE AGOSTINI Villa Rotonda is widely considered Palladio’s masterpiec­e.
 ?? UNIVERSAL IMAGES GROUP ?? Andrea Palladio’s Teatro Olimpico features elaborate ceiling frescoes, statues and architectu­ral elements that contrast with its simple seating tiers. The stage set (at left) shows a perspectiv­e view of the ancient Greek city of Thebes.
UNIVERSAL IMAGES GROUP Andrea Palladio’s Teatro Olimpico features elaborate ceiling frescoes, statues and architectu­ral elements that contrast with its simple seating tiers. The stage set (at left) shows a perspectiv­e view of the ancient Greek city of Thebes.
 ?? GIUSEPPE MASCI/UNIVERSAL IMAGES GROUP ?? Along Vicenza’s main square is the Palladian Basilica that architect Andrea Palladio redesigned in the mid-16th century.
GIUSEPPE MASCI/UNIVERSAL IMAGES GROUP Along Vicenza’s main square is the Palladian Basilica that architect Andrea Palladio redesigned in the mid-16th century.
 ?? BLAIR KAMIN/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? The Palladio Museum offers engaging displays, like this example of the triangular bricks that enabled the museum’s namesake to form round columns from inexpensiv­e materials.
BLAIR KAMIN/CHICAGO TRIBUNE The Palladio Museum offers engaging displays, like this example of the triangular bricks that enabled the museum’s namesake to form round columns from inexpensiv­e materials.

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