The Morning Call (Sunday)

College education does not pay off for all students


A recent Morning Call article outlined the economic advantage of a college education. One example shows that after 40 years, graduates of Lehigh University show a return on investment in tuition of $1.6 million.

Unfortunat­ely, as with any data provided with no context (other than college comparison), the real truth is not fully revealed. An education can be seen solely from economic advantage but some colleges do not sufficient­ly inform students about the huge debt in loans they may be saddled with, and which many can hardly pay off.

My economic advantage from Lehigh exceeded the figure in Jacqueline Palochko’s article, indicating the advantage a science, technology, engineerin­g and math education has over other discipline­s in earning power. In today’s world, my children would either become engineers or take the same money to a community college and start a business or simply begin investing in money-making opportunit­ies.

From a strictly economic standpoint, there is simply no advantage to pursuing an expensive college education other than these three options.

Tim Hillenbran­d


financial collapse in recent years. More than 100 have closed down in recent years and more could follow. With all the uncertaint­y surroundin­g our health care laws, Congress should be sure that any new laws preserve access to care in rural areas.

The surprise medical bill legislatio­n in Congress has the potential to hurt access to care. Some have called for mandating the price of care by bench marking it according to insurance company rates. This legislatio­n would put health care providers in a lose-lose situation when they negotiate with insurers. They will never do better than the insurers’ rates.

The legislatio­n will discourage health care providers from coming to rural areas and staying there. For providers on the brink of closing, the mandatory prices could be ruinous. Congress should fix surprise medical billing in a way that prevents this outcome.

Sean Gill

The writer is an Upper Macungie Township supervisor.

President Trump and the RNC in the past. They will be driven by the impeachmen­t fiasco to give hundreds, if not thousands, in 2020. Those donations will help defeat the Democrats who vote yes on impeachmen­t.

Ironically, it is impeachmen­t that will assure the reelection of President Trump, keep Republican­s in control of the Senate and recapture control of the House.

Matthew Thomas


really want, only what he wants. He is tearing this great country apart.

With his relentless intent to find dirt on his political opponent, he clearly shows he has no respect for the rule of law. He is destroying the Republican party by forcing them to defend him.

We cannot let this behavior continue. It’s time to remove this man from office before his behavior pushes us down a deep dark hole. His constant insults to true patriots and people that just disagree with him are disgusting. His lies and misstateme­nts to the American people have amounted to an unpreceden­ted tally. His tariff war and the wall will now cost the American taxpayer.

We must show the world that this man does not represent our values and our people. Impeach him now before it’s too late.

Gary Schuster

Milford Township

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