The Morning Call (Sunday)


- By Bob Jones

We suspect that most duplicate players would go down in five diamonds on today’s deal. They would be dreaming of an overtrick if the trumps split 2-2 and be willing to settle for their contract on a 3-1 split. The 4-0 split would condemn them to two trump losers after starting trumps by cashing the ace. Rubber bridge players would not care about the overtrick and take precaution­s against a 4-0 split. They would ruff the second spade and lead a low diamond to dummy’s eight and East’s 10. They would still have work to do when East shifts to the jack of clubs. They have the entries, with the ace of clubs and the king of hearts, to pick up the rest of the trumps, but what can they do about their fourth club? The winning solution is to win the club shift with the king, cash the queen, and lead a club to dummy’s ace. If East started with a doubleton club, declarer could never make the hand. If the clubs split 3-3, the long club would be good and declarer could just pick up the trumps. The extra chance would be if East started with four clubs. They could then lead a diamond to the jack and king and ruff a club back to dummy. Another trump finesse and they could draw trumps and claim. Well played!

 ??  ?? 8/2/20

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