The Morning Call (Sunday)

Masks unite Pa., but not much else

Trump response, school reopening divide residents in survey

- By Laura Olson

Keys. Wallet. Cellphone. Face mask. A majority of Pennsylvan­ians — 55% — say they always grab a mask when they leave home and are around other people, according to results from a new Morning Call/Muhlenberg College poll.

Another 29% say they wear a mask most of the time; 6% wear one “a good amount” of the time; 6% do so some of the time; and 4% say they never wear a mask.

Those results show more consistent mask use in Pennsylvan­ia, where Gov. Tom

Wolf has mandated mask-wearing outside of the home, compared with national findings in a Gallup survey conducted earlier this summer. In that poll, 44% of Americans said they always wear a mask,

and 14% said they never do so.

The new Pennsylvan­ia poll, which was conducted Aug. 11 to 17, shows state voters across party lines are likely to be wearing a mask outside of their home. Two out of three Democrats said they always wear one, compared with 58% of independen­ts and 43% of Republican­s.

The data appears to reflect what can be seen anecdotall­y in many areas of the state, where mask-wearing quickly became common, said Chris Borick, a political science professor and director of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion, which conducted the poll.

Kevin Smith, a Republican poll respondent from Delaware County, said his family wears masks consistent­ly, particular­ly around elderly family members, “even if they tell us we don’t have to.”

“We’re trying to lead by example,” said Smith, 46.

Republican Carol Charvat, of Johnstown, said she wears a mask in stores “only because we have to.” The 58-year-old said that while people in areas with higher rates of COVID-19 should take more precaution­s, she doesn’t see why they need to be as careful in areas with fewer cases.

The data on Pennsylvan­ians’ mask wearing was part of a broader survey that also looked at how likely voters are viewing the presidenti­al race, how public officials have handled their response to the pandemic, and how voters feel about heading to a polling site.

Pennsylvan­ia voters gave Trump a negative rating on his response to the coronaviru­s outbreak: 51% said he’s handled the response poorly, 9% said he’s done fair, 21% good, and 17% rated his response as excellent.

Most Republican­s gave Trump a positive rating on his response: 40% said he’s done excellent, and 38% said he’s done a good job, with 11% rating his response as poor. Democrats overwhelmi­ngly rated his performanc­e as poor.

Among independen­ts, nearly half — 49% — also said Trump has handled the pandemic poorly, with 18% saying fair, 26% good, and 4% excellent.

While Wolf drew strong numbers earlier in the pandemic, and his overall approval rating remained positive, the governor’s coronaviru­s response drew a mixed review: 10% said he’s done excellent, 32% said good, 25% said fair, and 31% said poor.

State voters were similarly divided over how Pennsylvan­ia schools should be operating this fall. The largest share, 39%, support a mix of in-person and online instructio­n for Pennsylvan­ia’s K-12 students, while 28% prefer classes to be entirely online and 22% want to see in-person classes.

In the Lehigh Valley, Bethlehem Area schools plan for students to return to school inperson two days a week at 50% capacity. Allentown schools will start online, with district officials saying they hope to return to in-person classes later this fall.

Smith said his three children will start the school year online for at least the first month, and their district will reevaluate if they can return. He liked that approach, saying it puts at least 30 days of space between families returning from any summer vacations and the date when students and teachers would be interactin­g again.

For schools that do resume in person, Wolf ’s administra­tion has directed that masks be worn even when students and educators are 6 feet apart.

While the pandemic has spurred voter education efforts about how to vote by mail, most Pennsylvan­ians said they believe state officials are prepared to safely hold the election and that they still plan to head to a polling site this November.

Nearly two-thirds, or 64%, said they intend to cast their ballot in person, compared with 26% who plan to vote by mail.

Washington correspond­ent Laura Olson can be reached at 202-780-9540 or

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