The Morning Call (Sunday)

Popular vote should determine presidenti­al race


The president should be elected just like every other candidate — the person with the most votes wins. It’s time to acknowledg­e that the Electoral College is an antiquated system that doesn’t serve the American people.

Every four years the presidenti­al election is decided by swing states, with candidates spending muchof their time catering to voters in five or six key states. We are a nation of 50 states. Let’s make sure the voices of all the people are heard and counted.

It’s absolutely absurd that we’ve elected five presidents in our nation’s history who have lost the popular vote, in several cases by millions of votes. Pennsylvan­ia should join with 15 other states (large and small alike) that have passed the National Popular Vote bill.

Contact your state legislator­s and ask themto take action today.

Joe Guest

Lower Mount Bethel Township

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