The Morning Call (Sunday)

Tips to make your bathroom a calming oasis


By Cathy Hobbs

Bathrooms can be a source of calm and opportunit­y for design. Where do you start? While renovation­s can make for the perfect project, they are often costly to take on.

With this is mind, there are a number of ways to spice up your bath, without breaking the bank. Here are our top tips to make your bath an elegant, calming oasis.

Bring the outdoors in. Greenery is a great place to start. From trees to plants, bringing in greenery can help create a sense of calm.

Include natural elements. From stone, to sand and even natural elements such as wood, integratin­g organic elements can help to create a sense of serenity.

Add pops of color, from flowers and succulents, look for ways to integrate color and texture.

Hang artwork. Walls don’t have to be bare and boring. Artwork can help to add color and a sense of whimsy.

Make a statement with tile. Whether it’s a border, to a small pattern, to overall coverage, tile is one way to make a bold statement in the bathroom.

Add windows to your bathroom space. The light can truly help to elevate these small spaces.

Go big. Big mirrors and large walls of mirrors reflect light and can make these small spaces feel bigger.

Paint. From an accent color to overall coverage, paint allows one to bring in color and interest.

Add luxury elements. Bathrooms can truly integrate a sense of calm. From salts to oils and candles, go for it!

Create a sense of space. Creating a bath that is separate and distinct remains on trend and the preferred design of architects and interior designers.

 ?? TNS ?? A big splash of greenery adds a sense of calm to this master bathroom.
TNS A big splash of greenery adds a sense of calm to this master bathroom.

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