The Morning Call (Sunday)

PET Curbing cat biting and fighting


Q:This is a classic case of redirected aggression. Bailey gets upset when she sees another cat. Because she can’t get to that cat, Bailey takes it out on Jasmine. The outside animals are the trigger for redirected aggression.

A:We have two 5-year-old cats, Bailey and Jasmine. A few months ago, Bailey started attacking Jasmine. When Bailey sees another cat outside, she rushes from the patio into the house, and attacks Jasmine. How do we stop this behavior?

Use pheromone collars on both of them, and then look for ways to block Bailey’s view of cats in your yard. You may have to block her view with blinds or limit her access to the screened patio when you know there won’t be

other animals in sight. You also can look for ways to discourage cats from coming into your yard, like installing a motion-detection sprinkler.

Q: How do I stop my 8-month-old cat from biting me? I think he wants attention but that’s a lousy way to get it.

A: An 8-month-old kitten is probably biting because he is teething, and his gums are sore. It’s likely just a phase, but phases need to be monitored and managed to ensure they don’t become habits.

Cat play is nothing more than a display of a feline’s hunting behaviors, which means they stalk, pounce, and bite things when playing.

To avoid getting bitten, never use your hands as playthings. Keep stuffed socks, feathered wands and other cat toys handy to quickly distract and play with your cat instead. This will keep your hands free from bites and your cat happy and content.

Some cats though, take biting a step further. One minute, you’re petting your cat and having a happy moment, the next your cat nails you with their claws or mouth. This is always a scary moment for the pet parent who wonders what on earth they did to deserve a bite.

There is nothing wrong with your cat and the cat is not misbehavin­g. But as a pet parent, you did do something wrong. You likely stroked your cat above his level of tolerance while your partner may stroke the cat below his level of tolerance.

Cats are extremely sensitive to touch and other stimuli and when they are overstimul­ated, biting is often their goto to tell you to stop petting them or remove the stimulus in the room. It’s called petting-induced or overstimul­ation aggression and is fairly common among cats.

This behavior has nothing to do with how the cat feels about you but with what is happening around them.

Be respectful of your feline’s tolerance for touch. Some cats might tolerate five minutes of petting, another cat may only tolerate five strokes before they turn and bite the hand that feeds them.

There are warning signs like ears that twitch back, dilated pupils and a rigid, slow-moving tail.

Learn your cat’s tolerance for touch and don’t pet him one stroke more.

It’s instinctiv­e to want to pet your cat, but sometimes you have to override your instincts to abide by your feline’s wishes.

Cats generally are content sleeping on your lap and maintainin­g contact with you in that way.

Even if you are not petting your cat, you both will still benefit from the close contact.

Pent-up energy also can contribute to overstimul­ation aggression. Exercise helps. Make sure your feline has lots of toys, a cat tree and at least 10 minutes of playtime/exercise twice daily. If cats are tired from play, they are less likely to be aggressive and/or bite.

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