The Morning Call (Sunday)

Where to start when you bring home a new puppy


There has been an increase in puppy ownership throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Raising a puppy can be a life-changing experience, but it can also be a big challenge for both new and experience­d owners. To help your pup develop into a happy, healthy, well-adjusted adult dog, The American Kennel Club offers a few tips to keep your new puppy on the right track.

1 Don’t play too rough.

➤ Puppies love to play, but they also need to learn the appropriat­e level of rough play at a young age. Your puppy needs to learn good manners when it comes to playing with other people and other animals. If you let them play too rough when they are a puppy, it can become a bad habit in their adult years.

2 Don’t overdo the treats.

➤ As much as those puppy-dog eyes might make it hard to say no, you should limit the amount of treats you give to them. Treats can alter your growing puppy’s appetite for better-balanced, more nutritious meals. You also don’t want to spoil them. Puppies learn quickly that by begging, crying and acting out, they can get their way.

3 Provide plenty of exercise.

➤ New experience­s are important for puppy developmen­t. Help stimulate your puppy’s mind with puzzles, toys and appropriat­e playthings, and give your puppy plenty of outdoor exercise. Bored dogs are more likely to engage in aggressive or inappropri­ate behaviors.

4 Consistenc­y is key.

➤ Decide which furniture or parts of the house are off-limits and be consistent with enforcemen­t. Don’t reprimand your dog one day for being on the couch and then let them up there the next.

5 Don’t let them go untrained.

➤ That puppy misbehavio­r will become a lot less cute when they are older. Make sure you teach your pup good manners when they are young. Training and socializin­g them as a puppy will go a long way throughout their adult years.

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