The Morning Call (Sunday)

Buffer zone ordinance deserves support


Everyone deserves the right to access health care without interferen­ce, and that includes sidewalk counseling, prayer vigils, coercion, harassment or anything or anyone that physically gets in the way of a patient entering and exiting a health care facility.

Recently, Allentown City Council introduced a buffer zone ordinance, which would create a safe environmen­t for hospitals and clinics. This includes the Planned Parenthood Keystone Allentown health center, which provides the full and comprehens­ive range of sexual and reproducti­ve health care. We are in full support of this buffer zone, which gives health care facilities a demonstrat­ion-free zone of 15 feet. This buffer zone is about protecting the privacy and dignity of patients.

We respect the rights of women to access health care without the intrusion of others into their personal lives and medical decisions. This buffer zone is a necessary step in safeguardi­ng patient’s right to privacy. Rep. Mike Schlossber­g

The writer is a Democratic state representa­tive for the 132nd District.

Rep. Pete Schweyer

The writer is a Democratic state representa­tive for the 22nd District.

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