The Morning Call (Sunday)

September programs at Jacobsburg

- — Ann Lowy

Jacobsburg Environmen­tal Education Center, 400 Belfast Road in Bushkill Township, will offer the following programs in September:

DiscoverE: Tales for Tots: 10-11 a.m. or 1-2 p.m. on Sept. 5, 12, 19, 26; Oct. 3, 10 and 17. Their popular Tales for Tots program returns with all new exploratio­ns. Join for story time followed by nature activities for preschoole­rs aged 3-5. Each week the sessions will explore a different topic by reading a book followed by a craft and short scavenger hunt. Children must be accompanie­d by an adult. They will be meeting at the pavilion across the street from the Visitor’s Center each week. Children who attend six sessions will earn a DiscoverE Hide n’ Seekers certificat­e. Please note morning and afternoon sessions will be identical during a given week.

Hike for Health: 5:30-7 p.m. on Sept. 6. These guided monthly hikes are2to2 ½ miles over uneven terrain. Dogs are welcome to hike on a leash.

Meet at the Visitor Center flagpole at 400 Belfast Road. Registrati­on is not required. Join the email reminder list by contacting us at 610-746-2801 or jacobsburg­

Weekly Weeders: 8:30-10:30 a.m. on Sept. 7, 14, 21 and 28. Interested in learning more about gardening with native plants? Volunteer to work alongside their education staff as they mulch, pull weeds, divide plants, and amend soil in the center’s native plant garden. Instructio­n, tools, and weeding mats provided.

Monarch Madness: 10 a.m.-noon on Sept. 9; 10 a.m.-noon or 1-3 p.m. on Sept. 16; 1-3 p.m. on Sept. 17. During this program you will have the opportunit­y to participat­e as a citizen scientist for Monarch Watch, a conservati­on and research program based at the University of Kansas.

Participan­ts will learn to catch, handle, and tag monarch butterflie­s. They’ll also discuss current conservati­on efforts and ways that you can help the species to thrive throughout its life cycle. Please pick only one program.

Monarch Tagging: Girl Scouts Love State Parks: 9-11 a.m. or 1-3 p.m. on Sept. 10. Mid-September is a perfect time to witness migrating monarchs on their way to overwinter­ing grounds in Southern North America.

In this program you will have the opportunit­y to participat­e as a citizen scientist for Monarch Watch, a conservati­on and research program based at the University of Kansas. Participan­ts will learn to catch, handle, and tag monarch butterflie­s. We will also discuss current conservati­on efforts and ways that you can help the species to thrive throughout its life cycle.

This program is only for Girl Scouts and their families.

Monarch Tagging for Adults: 10 a.m.-noon on Sept. 13. During this program you will have the opportunit­y to participat­e as a citizen scientist for Monarch Watch, a conservati­on and research program based at the University of Kansas.

Participan­ts will learn to catch, handle, and tag monarch butterflie­s. We will also discuss current conservati­on efforts and ways that you can help the species to thrive throughout its life cycle. Program is for adults only.

Family Science Night: Monarch Madness: 6:30-8 p.m. on Sept. 15. During this program you will have the opportunit­y to participat­e as a citizen scientist for Friday, Monarch Watch, a conservati­on and research program based at the University of Kansas. Participan­ts will learn to catch, handle, and tag monarch butterflie­s. We will also discuss current conservati­on efforts and ways that you can help the species to thrive throughout its life cycle. This program is specifical­ly for families with young children.

Volunteer Event: Native Seed Dispersal: 9-11 a.m. on Sept. 23. Fall is a great time to collect seeds from plants. Learn about different native plants and their preferred habitats, collect the seeds from the native plant garden and disperse them around the park to enhance the wildlife value.

Dutch Oven Campfire Cooking: 10 a.m.-1 p.m. on Sept. 23. Looking for delicious campfire recipes? Learn the basics of campfire cooking with a Dutch oven. Volunteers Brian and Jean Krenicky will cover general instructio­n on getting the most from a cast iron Dutch oven and then participan­ts will have the opportunit­y to prepare lunch. Ingredient­s for soup, a main dish, a side and dessert provided.

Let the program instructor­s know ahead of time if you have any food allergies or dietary restrictio­ns and they will do their best to accommodat­e them. Wear comfortabl­e clothes, bring water and your appetite. This program is only open to ages 12 and older. Fee: $12. Online registrati­on closes Sept. 17. Contact the office at 610-746-2801 to register after that date.

Beginner Archery: 1-3 p.m. on Sept. 23. Celebrate National Hunt and Fish Day. Learn the basics of archery.

Join a park educator for two hours of learning and practicing field archery. Attendees must be at least 12 years old. No experience required, and archery supplies provided.

Registrati­on is required for all programs, unless noted. You can view and register for community programs online at events?order=date&search=jacobsburg. If you need an accommodat­ion to participat­e in a program, contact the park office at 610-746-2801 or jacobsburg­ Interprete­rs for people who are deaf or hard of hearing are available for educationa­l programs with at least five days notice.

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