The Morning Call (Sunday)

Unlock limitless potential of customizin­g wood furniture

- Katie Laughridge

Gone are the days of settling for a limited selection of preselecte­d finishes. In this piece, we’ll delve into a world of wood furniture customizat­ion. Prepare to be amazed as we explore the endless possibilit­ies of customizin­g drawer pulls, drawer faces and even legs, allowing you to create a truly bespoke piece that perfectly aligns with your style and preference­s.

Whether you crave a traditiona­l woodgrain look or a vibrant pop of color, join us on this inspiring journey as we unlock the limitless potential of wood furniture customizat­ion.

Why customize?

First and foremost, customizat­ion allows you to infuse your unique personalit­y and style into your home decor. By selecting the wood finishes and details that resonate with you, customizat­ion also grants you the opportunit­y to address specific functional needs, ensuring that your furniture is tailored to your lifestyle. Whether it’s adding extra drawers, modifying dimensions or incorporat­ing special features, you have the freedom to design a piece that perfectly suits your requiremen­ts.

Wood customizat­ion possibilit­ies

We understand that sometimes finding the perfect piece can be a challenge, but fear not! These carefully selected vendors understand the importance of personaliz­ation and offer exceptiona­l case goods that can be customized to your specificat­ions.

Vanguard’s “Make It Your Own” line offers an array of case goods, ranging from desks to nightstand­s and dressers, allowing you to select the finish, knobs and other details that suit your style. Their pieces can skew from modern all the way to traditiona­l.

While CR Laine makes upholstere­d furniture, with frames that feature exposed wood, they provide wood customizat­ion options, including the ability to choose from a number of finishes and any Benjamin Moore paint color to create the perfect frame for your furniture.

While these customizat­ions may require slightly longer lead times, the result is a piece of furniture that is truly tailored to your taste and preference­s.

Don’t settle for generic pieces when you can have furniture that speaks to your style.

Creating your furniture

Whether you seek to infuse your style, address specific functional needs or support local artisans, the options are limitless. By collaborat­ing with talented designers and exploring the offerings of exceptiona­l vendors, you can create furniture that tells your story and reflects your individual­ity. Embrace the journey of customizat­ion and witness the remarkable transforma­tion as your dream furniture becomes a reality.

 ?? COURTESY ?? A desk steals the spotlight with its exquisite Chippendal­e side panel, accentuate­d by acrylic pulls with brass accents.
COURTESY A desk steals the spotlight with its exquisite Chippendal­e side panel, accentuate­d by acrylic pulls with brass accents.

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