The Morning Call (Sunday)

When should you not use a vacuum to clean?

These things can damage the device or risk your safety

- By Jolie Kerr

The vacuum is one of the most important tools when it comes to cleaning a home. However, like any other type of device, there are safety and operationa­l concerns to be aware of, including when it’s best not to use a vacuum at all. Here are some items that are best to avoid.

Glass: If you commit to memory only one item on this list of things to never vacuum up, let it be glass. When glass breaks, reach for a broom — and leave the vacuum behind. Sharp pieces of glass, including shards, can puncture a vacuum’s parts; this is also true of other sharp objects.

Liquid spills: This one falls under the “hair dryer in the bathtub” rule — never expose electrical appliances to water, or other liquids, for your safety; this includes vacuuming a wet carpet. In addition to safety concerns, vacuuming liquids can cause the machine to short circuit and, when left inside the vacuum bag, water and other liquids can cause mold.

Sticky messes will make a, well, sticky mess of your vacuum. Things like chewing gum, tacky glue, or honey will stick to every vacuum part along the way, clogging everything from the brush roll to the bag.

Sticky messes:

Wet messes: Whether you’re dealing with clumps of wet leaves or a pile of spilled cereal, when it comes to picking up wet messes, the vacuum is not your friend. Liquid and electricit­y don’t mix, for

one thing, and that wet mess can turn into a moldy mess if it lingers in the bag or canister.

The vacuum is a fantastic tool for picking up hair, but there are times when it’s best to reach for a broom instead. Large piles of hair, like those left behind after an at-home haircut or de-furring the couch, can clog the vacuum, and long strands can become tangled around the beater bar.

Hair clumps or piles:

Shredded paper: Large piles of shredded paper, just like clumps of hair, can clog up a vacuum and worse — burn out the motor. Spare your vacuum and use a broom for the bulk of the work.

Cords: We’re probably all guilty of not properly picking up cords before vacuuming,

only to go over one that needs to be extracted from the roll brush. But it’s worth taking the time to remove cords from the floor before vacuuming to protect you and the vacuum. The force and friction can crack the cord’s protective exterior .

Coins: In addition to making a horrible racket when you vacuum them up, coins will do a number on the interior parts of a vacuum, causing scratches and dings, as well as on the motor.

Legos and other small toys:

Like coins, when it comes to picking up Legos and small toys or plastic pieces, bypass the vacuum in favor of a broom or your hands. Small bits of hard plastic can break apart when vacuumed, leaving pieces that get stuck in the brush roll or clog up the interior.

Paperclips, thumbtacks and other small supplies:

Puncture wounds abound when small, sharp objects traverse a vacuum’s hose and chamber. Pick up small desk supplies like paperclips or thumbtacks before vacuuming to prevent damage to the machine.

Coffee grounds: Vacuuming wet coffee grounds can clog up the vacuum’s parts, leaving behind organic matter that can breed mold and mildew, and forcing the motor to work overtime leading to burnout.

Sawdust, drywall and other constructi­on debris:

Vacuuming fine particles like sawdust, drywall, and other constructi­on debris in large quantities can cause the motor to burn out, effectivel­y ending the life of your vacuum. Additional­ly, those fine particles can end up being released back into the air, making it as unsafe for you as it is for your vacuum.

Soil and plant debris: Soil and plant debris can clog a vacuum, and damp or wet leaves can lead to mold in the bag or canister, so it’s best to use a broom or your hands to pick those up.

Tree needles: The needles from holiday garland, wreaths, and trees are sticky and bulky, leading to clogs and an overworked motor. Use a rubber broom to sweep them up or, if you must use the vacuum, switch to its hose attachment to prevent needles from getting stuck in bristles, and empty the bag or canister both before and after vacuuming to keep bulky needles from taxing the motor.

Ashes fall into the fine particles category, and should not be vacuumed up.


Vacuuming ash is not only unsafe for you, because fine ash particles can get blown out of the machine and into the air you’re breathing, it’s also a totally ineffectiv­e way to clean for the same reason.

Makeup: Makeup spills like blush, bronzer, or eyeshadow fall into the fine particles category of things to never vacuum up, and waxy cosmetic items like lipstick or eyeliner can melt, adhering to the vacuum’s walls and causing clogs over time. Plus, highly pigmented makeup can stain the vacuum, and spread those stains to any surface you attempt to clean with the machine.

Glitter: The best way to put this one is: Don’t vacuum up glitter unless you would like to vacuum your home with glitter for the rest of your life.

 ?? GETTY ?? From coffee grounds to glitter, when it comes to cleaning up these messes, skip the vacuum.
GETTY From coffee grounds to glitter, when it comes to cleaning up these messes, skip the vacuum.

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