The Morning Call

Trump digs in on wall

He suggests he’s likely to take emergency action, to mixed reactions

- By Eli Stokols and Molly Hennessy-Fiske

McALLEN, Texas — President Donald Trump moved closer Thursday to declaring a national emergency to bypass Congress to secure funds for a border wall and resolve a government shutdown now into its 20th day.

“I have the absolute right to declare a national emergency,” Trump said to reporters before departing the White House for McAllen, where he toured Border Patrol facilities and met with agents along the U.S.Mexico border.

“If this doesn’t work,” he said of getting Congress to include wall money in its final government-funding bill, “probably I will do it. I would almost say definitely. This is a national emergency.”

Administra­tion officials say the move could allow Trump to tap money already approved by Congress for other purposes, including funds for military constructi­on and disaster relief.

Insisting he would prefer that Congress approve $5.7 billion he’s requested for the wall, Trump left some wiggle room, but signaled that an emergency declaratio­n is becoming more likely. And already-slim prospects for a deal with Congress seemed to evaporate as Trump was in Texas.

Vice President Mike Pence, at the Capitol in Washington to confer with lawmakers over the impasse, told reporters the administra­tion would not support any compromise giving legal protection­s to undocument­ed immigrants who years ago came to the country illegally as children. A bipartisan group had been negotiatin­g a tradeoff between such protection­s and wall funding, but by afternoon Sen. Lindsey Graham, R.-S.C., said a deal was all but dead, adding, “We’re kind of stuck.”

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., re-

buffed efforts by Democrats on Thursday to pass spending bills that would reopen shuttered government agencies, including several that had nothing to do with border security.

“It won't solve the problem because the president has made clear he won't sign them,” McConnell said.

Trump, in remarks at the White House as he departed for Texas, also put a new spin on the discrepanc­y between his famous, often-repeated campaign promise that Mexico would pay for a border wall and the fact that Mexico is not doing so.

“When, during the campaign, I would say, ‘Mexico is going to pay for it,' obviously, I never said this and I never meant they're going to write out a check,” the president said.

Trump did say it — at least 212 times during his campaign, according to a Washington Post count, and dozens more since he took office. And he put it in writing — in a March 2016 memo to news outlets and then posted to his campaign website.

Specifical­ly, Trump threatened to cut off billions of dollars in remittance payments from Mexican nationals in the United States to families in their home country. That, he proclaimed, would pressure the Mexican government to cough up “a one-time payment of $5-10 billion” for the wall.

Trump repeated his more recent claim that Mexico would indirectly pay for the wall through a new North American trade agreement. That agreement has yet to win legislativ­e approval in Congress, Mexico or Canada and has no provision in it that would involve Mexico reimbursin­g the U.S. for the costs of a wall.

Trump's comments and the visit to the border came a day after his White House meeting with congressio­nal leaders ended abruptly, with the president walking out of the room after Democratic leaders told him they did not plan on approving more money to fund a border wall.

Although Democrats have approved $1.3 billion for border security in the current fiscal year, of the $1.6 billion that Trump originally asked for last year, the president has been unable to persuade them to now support the $5.7 billion

“We have to be careful about endorsing broad uses of executive power. If today the national emergency is border security, tomorrow the national emergency might be climate change.”

— Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., opposing an emergency declaratio­n

despite his argument that conditions have become a national security crisis.

In another sign that the shutdown that has closed a quarter of the government could continue for some time, Trump tweeted from Air Force One en route to Texas that he has decided not to attend the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerlan­d, which is less than two weeks away.

In McAllen, Trump was greeted by more than 1,000 demonstrat­ors, most of whom opposed a wall. A few expressed support.

At a round table with aides and local officials, the president sat before a table displaying items said to have been seized by Border Patrol agents — an AR-15 rifle, a plastic bag full of cash and black-taped bricks of heroin and methamphet­amine.

Like nearly all drugs trafficked across the border, they were intercepte­d by agents at official ports of entry, he was told, and not in the remote areas where he wants to extend tall barriers.

Still, he declared: “A wall works. Nothing like a wall.”

Later, at a briefing along the border, Trump told reporters that Democrats “are losing the argument badly” and he is “winning” the shutdown fight, as he criticized Democrats for asserting he was manufactur­ing a sense of crisis in order to declare an emergency.

“What is manufactur­ed is the use of the word ‘manufactur­ed,' ” Trump said.

Polls have shown that significan­tly more Americans blame Trump for the shutdown while his proposed wall has consistent­ly had minority support, except among Republican­s.

At a news conference at the Capitol, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said she thinks Trump “loves the distractio­n” that the partial government shutdown has created “from his other problems.”

Pelosi also questioned whether Trump is truly confident that a border wall makes sense.

“If you have confidence in your own position, why do you say, ‘I have to shut down government to get people to heed what I'm saying?' ” she said.

“I don't even know if the president wants the wall. I think he just wants the debate on the wall,” she added.

With the partial shutdown two days from matching the longest on record, the option of declaring a national emergency has become more attractive to Trump. Although an emergency declaratio­n would face legal challenges, it would provide him a way to reopen the government without appearing to cave on his demand for a wall.

Trump has received conflictin­g advice about declaring an emergency from administra­tion aides and friends outside of Washington. Some view it as an effective way out of the prolonged stalemate that would still show the president's supporters that he continues to fight to achieve his signature campaign promise.

Other conservati­ves, however, have cautioned that declaring a national emergency to bypass a stubborn Congress would set a dangerous precedent, one that could backfire on Republican­s in the future should Democrats retake the presidency and attempt to fund other initiative­s without legislativ­e approval.

“We have to be careful about endorsing broad uses of executive power,” Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., told CNBC in opposing an emergency declaratio­n. “If today the national emergency is border security, tomorrow the national emergency might be climate change.”

Even Rep. Mark Meadows of North Carolina, a Trump ally who leads the conservati­ve House Freedom Caucus that backs the president's hard line, said the president should pursue an emergency declaratio­n as a “last resort.”

Trump and his advisers have said that by declaring a national security emergency he could pay for a wall by diverting military funds that Congress has approved for other purposes, including for the Army Corps of Engineers.

With Trump in Texas was Lt. Gen. Todd Semonite, the Army Corps' commanding general. A Pentagon official said the Corps is preparing options to present to Trump should he declare an emergency. It is reviewing accounts to see how much money is freely available and, where contracts have been made, how much it might cost to break them.

Yet, Rep. Mac Thornberry of Texas, the ranking Republican on the House Armed Services Committee, has emerged as a vocal opponent of taking money from the Pentagon's budget.

Still, some Republican­s in Congress see an emergency declaratio­n as perhaps the only way the shutdown can end quickly, given both sides' unyielding stands.

“It will change the landscape — might be for the better, might not be,” said Sen. Richard C. Shelby of Alabama, the Republican chairman of the Senate Appropriat­ions Committee.

In dismissing the idea of a compromise that would protect young undocument­ed immigrants from deportatio­n, Pence echoed Trump's argument that the administra­tion would prefer to await a ruling from the Supreme Court on the constituti­onality of a temporary Obama-era order that protected the longtime immigrantr­esidents.

The vice president, expressing confidence that the court would find the order an unconstitu­tional use of executive power, said that outcome would then force both sides to negotiate an alternativ­e measure to address the Dreamers' plight as well as tighten immigratio­n laws.

The president, who said last month he would “proudly” take responsibi­lity for a shutdown, would not accept the premise that he now bears responsibi­lity for resolving it.

“The buck stops with everybody,” he said.

Associated Press contribute­d.

 ?? JIM WATSON/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? President Donald Trump sits near the Mexican border with a table displaying items said to have been seized by Border Patrol agents — an AR-15 rifle, a plastic bag full of cash and black-taped bricks of heroin and methamphet­amine. Like nearly all drugs trafficked across the border, they were intercepte­d at official ports of entry, he was told, and not in the remote areas where he wants to extend barriers.
JIM WATSON/AFP/GETTY IMAGES President Donald Trump sits near the Mexican border with a table displaying items said to have been seized by Border Patrol agents — an AR-15 rifle, a plastic bag full of cash and black-taped bricks of heroin and methamphet­amine. Like nearly all drugs trafficked across the border, they were intercepte­d at official ports of entry, he was told, and not in the remote areas where he wants to extend barriers.
 ?? JIM WATSON/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? President Donald Trump (in white hat) visits Border Patrol McAllen Station in Texas as part of his effort to get more than $5 billion for a wall along the Mexican border. The standoff with Democrats over the money has led to a partial government shutdown.
JIM WATSON/AFP/GETTY IMAGES President Donald Trump (in white hat) visits Border Patrol McAllen Station in Texas as part of his effort to get more than $5 billion for a wall along the Mexican border. The standoff with Democrats over the money has led to a partial government shutdown.
 ?? JOEL MARTINEZ/AP ?? Protestors react during a visit Thursday by President Donald Trump to McAllen, Texas.
JOEL MARTINEZ/AP Protestors react during a visit Thursday by President Donald Trump to McAllen, Texas.

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