The Morning Call

Allentown schools set graduation­s

Allen, Dieruff remain at PPL Center, while Building 21 will be at Miller Symphony Hall.

- By Jacqueline Palochko

Building 21’s first seniors will graduate at Miller Symphony Hall.

At Thursday’s Allentown School Board meeting, the district announced the site for the alternativ­e high school’s convocatio­n in June at a cost of $2,350. The ceremony will be at 6 p.m. June 17.

Building 21, which opened in 2015, is expected to graduate about 100 students.

Dieruff and Allen will still have their convocatio­ns at PPL Center. The district will pay $11,521 for the two ceremonies there June 15.

Dieruff will hold its ceremony at 1:30 p.m. Allen’s will be at 6:30 p.m.

If Building 21 had its ceremony at PPL Center, it would have cost the district $3,000 more than the $11,521.

Board Vice President Elizabeth Martinez said that in the future she would like all three high schools to have the same location for their graduation ceremonies.

Director Charlie Thiel said that given the size of Building 21’s senior class, a smaller site might be best.

Dieruff, Allen and Parkland have moved their graduation ceremonies to PPL Center in recent years. The Salisbury School District, a much smaller district, holds its convocatio­n at Miller Symphony Hall.

Building 21 opened with 150 freshmen and 11 teachers in 2015. It has been adding a grade each school year, and next school year will have its first 12th-grade class.

Building 21 aims to engage students in school by triggering their interest in college and careers. Mornings are spent in the core classes — English, math, science and history. Afternoons are devoted to electives, called “pathways,” that give students hands-on experience in careers at local hospitals, art schools and businesses.

In other news, the Allentown School Board will contain any tax increase for its 2018-19 budget to no more than the 3.5 percent.

The 3.5 percent is the district’s Act 1 Index, which is what the state sets as how high taxes may be raised.

By approving the Act 1 Index, it does not mean the district will raise taxes by 3.5 percent.

Last year, the district faced a $28 million deficit when budget talks first began. The board approved a budget that raised taxes by 3.7 percent. Twitter @Jpalochko 610-820-6613

 ?? MORNING CALL FILE PHOTO ?? Allen and Dieruff high schools will hold their convocatio­ns June 15 at PPL Center, the same site as in recent years.
MORNING CALL FILE PHOTO Allen and Dieruff high schools will hold their convocatio­ns June 15 at PPL Center, the same site as in recent years.

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