The Morning Call

Court fight may loom after election surprise in Congo

- By Mathilde Boussion

KINSHASA, Congo — Congo appeared ready to achieve its first peaceful transfer of power with the surprise victory Thursday of opposition candidate Felix Tshisekedi, despite clear signs that a rival opposition leader actually won in a landslide.

With no major protests in the capital and limited violence elsewhere in the vast Central African country, the population seemed to be choosing stability over credibilit­y, accepting Tshisekedi's win and the end to President Joseph Kabila's long and turbulent rule.

But a court challenge to the results could spin the country into chaos, observers warned.

The Catholic Church, which deployed 40,000 observers at all polling stations, said official results did not match its findings, and diplomats briefed on them said rival opposition candidate Martin Fayulu won easily.

Fayulu alleges that Kabila engineered a backroom deal with the largely untested Tshisekedi to protect his power base in a country with staggering mineral wealth. An outspoken campaigner against Congo's widespread graft — it ranked 161th among 180 countries in Transparen­cy Internatio­nal's latest index — Fayulu denounced the official results as “robbery.”

He called on people to “rise as one man to protect victory.”

As night fell, scores of police with automatic rifles and tear gas launchers were positioned along a road in Kinshasa leading to the Kingabwa neighborho­od, a Fayulu stronghold.

Congo's population of 80 million remained largely calm.

Some protest violence was reported in Kikwit, a Fayulu stronghold, where police said three people were killed. Police also confirmed “agitations” in Congo's third-largest city, Kisangani, but said they were quickly brought under control.

It was not clear whether Fayulu would challenge the election results in court. Candidates have two days after the announceme­nt to file challenges and the constituti­onal court has seven days to consider them before results are final.

Careful statements by the internatio­nal community did not congratula­te Tshisekedi, merely taking note of official results and urging peace and stability in a country with little of it. Observers appeared to be watching for the reactions of Fayulu's supporters.

Two diplomats said all major election observatio­n missions, including those of the African Union and the Southern African Developmen­t Community, showed similar results to those of the Catholic Church. The diplomats spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to speak to the press.

Tshisekedi, who received 38 percent of the vote according to official results, had not been widely considered the leading candidate. Long in the shadow of his father, the late opposition leader Etienne, he startled Congo last year by breaking away from the opposition's unity candidate, Fayulu, to stand on his own.

Fayulu, a former Exxon manager and Kinshasa lawmaker, received 34 percent of the vote in the official results. He was a vocal activist during the twoyear delay in Congo's election, insisting it was time for Kabila to go.

Even before the election announceme­nt, some observers suggested that Kabila's government might make a deal with Tshisekedi as hopes faded for ruling party candidate Emmanuel Ramazani Shadary, who received just 23 percent of the vote.

Many Congolese objected to Shadary, suspecting that he would allow Kabila to continue to rule from behind the scenes and protect his vast assets.

Several Congo analysts agreed that it appeared Kabila made a quiet agreement with Tshisekedi, saying Fayulu would have posed more of a threat.

Pierre Englebert, a fellow at the Atlantic Council's Africa Center, said Tshisekedi would be more malleable and might allow Kabila's network to continue.

 ?? JOHN WESSELS/GETTY-AFP ?? Backers of opposition candidate Felix Tshisekedi celebrate Thursday in Kinshasa, Congo.
JOHN WESSELS/GETTY-AFP Backers of opposition candidate Felix Tshisekedi celebrate Thursday in Kinshasa, Congo.

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