The Morning Call

Brexit may leave sour taste for some

Candy imports in doubt, thanks to departure from EU

- By Mstyslav Chernov and Kirsten Grieshaber

COLOGNE, Germany — German gummy bears, chocolate and licorice are popular sweets in Britain, but aficionado­s there might have to start stockpilin­g if they don’t want to go cold turkey when the country leaves the European Union.

German candy retailers are worried exporting sweets to the United Kingdom will become as slow as molasses after Brexit day on March 29, with unclear customs regulation­s potentiall­y causing supply shortages and price increases.

“We don’t even know which customs form to fill out and which customs class we’ll be in,” Bastian Fassin from the Associatio­n of the German Confection­ery Industry told the German news agency dpa.

“We don’t even know which customs form to fill out and which customs class we’ll be in.” —Bastian Fassin, Associatio­n of the German Confection­ery Industry

Germany delivers $919 million worth of candy to Britain each year and up to 3,000 jobs in Germany are linked to the exports, making Britain the second biggest importing country of German sweets after France, according to dpa.

If Britain leaves the EU, it can no longer take advantage of free trade with the other 27 European nations that are part of the bloc.

Beyond shortages and supply delays, the German sweets may become more expensive once they’ve finally cleared customs and arrived in Great Britain, said Olaf Wilcke, the sales director of Sparlari, who was attending the ISM fair in Cologne, one of the world’s biggest trade fairs for sweets and snacks.

If this leads to a drop in consumptio­n, the fear is it will lead to job losses in the German industry.

“That’s not good,” Wilcke said in an interview Wednesday. “We have free borders in Europe. That’s what we wanted.”

The market insecuriti­es work both ways, meaning British sweets producers exporting to Germany will likely also be affected.

Producers and retailers from both sides of the English Channel at the sweets trade fair in Cologne were hoping for better informatio­n — quickly — on how future trade between Britain and the EU will work.

“What we’re waiting for is clarity on the Brexit deal,” said Sandra Sullivan, the director of the British Food and Drink Associatio­n. “That’s something that companies need with such a short space of time between now and the end of March.”

“It’s really important that the government pushes forward and gives up the informatio­n we need to be able to plan for the future,” Sullivan also said.

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