The Morning Call

How Marie Kondo, conscious consumeris­m can help the environmen­t

- Emily Kirchner Emily Kirchner is a Muhlenberg College student

Lately, lots of people have been talking about the book “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up,” by Marie Kondo. The KonMari method explored in the book involves going through every item you own one by one and only keeping what “sparks joy.”

Kondo’s work is a great step in bringing attention to the consumer habits of Americans and what needs to change about them, par- ticularly if it helps people realize how many clothes they have that they do not need or want.

The fashion industry has become extremely detrimenta­l to the environmen­t, as people are buying cheap, lower-quality clothing and throwing them away quickly, and the actual production of clothing leads to immense pollution. Some fast-fashion companies are also known for appallingl­y hazardous working conditions. We have to put an end to the way this industry harms people and the environmen­t. Americans need to refuse to buy from these companies and turn toward more ethical clothing options or buying second-hand. Americans must also break the habit of buying so much so often, and choose to only own the things that “spark joy.”

Finding out that the brands you love are problemati­c is hard to deal with. Starting the process of becoming a conscious consumer may feel restrictin­g, like you have to make many sacrifices. However, you shouldn’t feel like your options are being taken away; you should feel empowered to “vote” with your money and put it toward your own values. Shopping consciousl­y ensures that you genuinely love every item you buy, and you can feel good knowing that your money is going to support the future you want to create.

There are many doubts people have about their ability to become a conscious consumer. The most common excuse people make for not shopping that way is that their individual actions won’t make a difference. While conscious consumeris­m may not make an immediate change, as more and more individual­s become aware and motivated to shop ethically, the evidence suggest businesses will start to be affected. Companies will fail if they lose customers.

H&M has begun to respond to the public’s concern for the ethics of fast fashion. They launched their own sustainabi­lity website. They offer valid and admirable goals, but there is reason for skepticism about the altruism and accuracy of this initiative. Conscious consumeris­m has pushed H&M toward concern about the ethics and sustainabi­lity of their business. While this is an honorable step, more needs to be demanded of them from consumers. This goes to show how businesses will change to meet consumer demand for ethical practices.

A second common concern is that ethical shopping is too expensive and impossible for those of lower socioecono­mic class. In fact buying clothes second-hand is extremely affordable, and comes at no cost to the environmen­t. There are also many people in America who can afford to shop more ethically. Some people find they save money by shopping consciousl­y, as they buy more expensive higher-quality products, but way less often. Those that can afford it need to become conscious consumers. Eventually industries will adjust to meet consumer demand, and ethical options will become more available for everyone.

Obviously this isn’t the complete solution to industrial pollution. The burden of the fast-fashion industry on the environmen­t is not the fault of the consumers. Activism that pushes for legal change is also incredibly important to environmen­tal health. However, conscious consumeris­m shows a demand for change that companies and the government will be forced to follow.

In the meantime, let’s focus on only buying what “sparks joy” from companies that treat people and the planet with love.

 ?? DENISE CREW/NETFLIX ?? Marie Kondo is a best-selling author and the star of a Netflix show ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.’
DENISE CREW/NETFLIX Marie Kondo is a best-selling author and the star of a Netflix show ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo.’
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