The Morning Call

Week in the garden



Start seed for: Dahlia, larkspur and portulaca.

Finish sowing Dianthus.

Next week start: Leaf lettuce, peppers and tomatoes.

Create and follow a schedule for starting seeds.

Check packets for instructio­ns such as start indoors four weeks before last frost date. Then, using a calendar, count back from your area’s date (April 10-15 for southern Lehigh Valley, May 10-15 for northern areas) for the appropriat­e starting time.


Test soil for new beds, Retest soil in poorly performing areas or those that haven’t been tested in the last 3-5 years.

As plants held indoors start to show new growth, move them into brighter light and start regular watering.

Cut back ornamental grasses.

Divide when you see new green growth.

Examine trees and shrubs.

Note damaged limbs and candidates for winter pruning.

Please check proper pruning informatio­n for each plant and prune as needed and recommende­d. Take cuttings of African violets and geraniums.

Check for heaved plants, particular­ly when soil temperatur­es are fluctuatin­g between freezing and thawing.

Check germinatio­n rate for all stored seeds and replace those that perform badly with fresh seed this year.

Get seeds for plants you intend to grow from seed.

Cut the flower stalks off amaryllis plants after the flowers fade but keep the greens warm and watered in a sunny area if you plan on keeping them until next year.

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