The Morning Call

Boyertown schools provide win in transgende­r bathrooms war

- Morning Call columnist Paul Muschick can be reached at 610-820-6582 or

Transgende­r students scored a big victory Tuesday when the U.S. Supreme Court opted not to hear an appeal of their freedom to choose bathrooms in the Boyertown Area

School District.

More important, the Trump administra­tion suffered a loss in its war against transgende­r people.

The administra­tion has been chipping away at their rights, regarding their ability to serve in the military and to be free from discrimina­tion in health care, housing and work settings.

Had the Supreme Court overturned Boyertown’s policy that students can use bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond with their gender identity, it would have given Trump and crew a green light to bulldoze rights away in other areas.

The court is leaning to the right with last year’s addition of Trump appointee Brett Kavanaugh. So this might have been an opportunit­y for justices to fall in line with the president’s thinking.

But they didn’t.

Tuesday’s action must be kept in perspectiv­e. The court did not offer a reason for not hearing the case. It doesn’t have to.

And not hearing a case isn’t unusual. The Supreme Court hears fewer than 1% of the cases that come before it.

The court’s decision also does not set a national precedent. But it lets stand a ruling by the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that upholds Boyertown’s policy as the final word on the case.

Hopefully, that opinion will deter others who would challenge policies that promote equality for transgende­r people.

Tuesday’s victory is important to celebrate. But it’s also important to remember that it’s one victory on one front. And the Supreme Court will be weighing in on another issue involving transgende­r rights — discrimina­tion in

the workplace.

It announced last month it would hear three cases about whether gay and transgende­r people are protected from workplace discrimina­tion under federal civil rights law.

The Trump administra­tion maintains the law applies to discrimina­tion between only men and women at work, and does not cover complaints related to gender identity. In 2017, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions issued a memo rescinding guidance issued under the Obama administra­tion that the law protects transgende­r people on the job.

That’s similar to how the Trump administra­tion rescinded Obama-era guidance for schools, such as Boyertown, to allow transgende­r students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms that correspond to their gender identity.

The military this year changed its rules regarding transgende­r people serving in the armed forces. The government is adamant that the rules are not a ban and merely set standards, including that people serve as their biological sex.

LGBTQ advocates argue the rules are discrimina­tory.

Transgende­r people could be exposed to discrimina­tion under proposed rollbacks in two other regulation­s announced last week.

The Department of Housing and Urban Developmen­t wants to change a rule that could result in federally funded homeless shelters being allowed to deny services to transgende­r people.

And the Health and Human Services Department released a proposed regulation that, in effect, says “gender identity” is not protected under federal laws that prohibit discrimina­tion in health care.

The only way that official oppression of transgende­r people will stop is if lawmakers step up and write protection­s into law. Efforts are underway, but they have a ways to go.

A few weeks ago, the U.S. House passed the Equality Act. It protects people from discrimina­tion based on their sexual orientatio­n or identity in employment, education, access to credit, jury service, federal funding, housing and public accommodat­ions.

The vote was not veto-proof. The bill now is before the Senate. If it were to pass, Trump would have to decide whether to sign legislatio­n that undermines his administra­tion’s ideology.

Similar legislatio­n is pending in the Pennsylvan­ia legislatur­e to amend state law to provide those protection­s. House Bill 1404 has more than 80 co-sponsors.

In previous years, such extensive support would not have mattered, as past versions of the bill were buried in the State Government Committee under the strangleho­ld of the committee chairman, Rep. Daryl Metcalfe, R-Butler.

But Metcalfe lost that position. Hopefully, the new chairman will allow the bill to get its overdue airing and it will make it to the House floor. The Senate has a similar bill, Senate Bill 224, sponsored by Lehigh County Republican Pat Browne.

Gov. Tom Wolf supports those bills, as well as bills that would expand the definition­s of hate crimes to include LGBTQ people.

Any legislatio­n would be subject to interpreta­tion by the courts, including the U.S. Supreme Court. If it’s wellwritte­n, the legislatio­n should survive a challenge, or, as in the case of the Boyertown policy, not even merit a review.

 ?? MANDEL NGAN/GETTY-AFP ?? The U.S. Supreme Court will not hear an appeal of the Boyertown Area School District’s policy of allowing transgende­r students to use bathrooms and locker rooms of the gender they identify with.
MANDEL NGAN/GETTY-AFP The U.S. Supreme Court will not hear an appeal of the Boyertown Area School District’s policy of allowing transgende­r students to use bathrooms and locker rooms of the gender they identify with.
 ??  ?? Paul Muschick
Paul Muschick

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