The Morning Call

Ways we can fix Pennsylvan­ia’s broken election system


During the last few years, I have been a public speaker for Fair Districts PA, a nonpartisa­n group working to end gerrymande­ring and place the process of redistrict­ing in the hands of an independen­t citizens commission.

I often begin my talks by asking the audience to share their major concerns. Typical responses include: property tax reform, fair and equitable funding for schools and infrastruc­ture improvemen­ts to alleviate the heavy traffic ensnarling the Lehigh Valley. I also hear safety and environmen­tal concerns related to fracking and pipeline constructi­on. Ultimately, they are most frustrated with Harrisburg’s inability to solve problems.

I explain gerrymande­ring, how this prevents many citizens from receiving fair representa­tion and impedes the work of good legislator­s. Partisan gerrymande­ring occurs when district lines are drawn to benefit one party over the other. Pennsylvan­ia does this so well that 40% of state legislativ­e and senate seats go unconteste­d in the general elections. That is not the sign of a healthy representa­tive democracy.

Our Pennsylvan­ia Constituti­on provides clear legal guidelines for redrawing these districts, which happens every 10 years after the U.S. Census. Districts should be drawn with these three constituti­onal directives: 1. All elections should be “free and equal.” 2. Districts should be drawn in a “compact and contiguous” manner, and 3. “Unless absolutely necessary,” counties, towns, boroughs and townships should not be divided.

As a retired social studies teacher, if my students assigned the task of drawing lines based on these directives had submitted the district map of 2011 as

their finished project, I would have certainly given them a failing grade. The new mapping technology makes this process relatively easy. But the five men who went behind closed doors failed miserably. And the courts agreed.

It is the process that needs to be fixed by February 2021, or we will have the same issues of gridlock, dysfunctio­n and misreprese­ntation for another 10 years.

Predictabl­y, the leaders of both parties are lukewarm about the idea of a citizens commission; however, our legislator­s are supposed to represent our views. A review of recent surveys makes it clear that the citizens want reform now. Separate surveys by Franklin and Marshall College and the University of Pittsburgh show that an independen­t citizens redistrict­ing commission was preferred by 69% and 75.8% of those surveyed, respective­ly. Locally, Rep. Marcia Hahn, R-Northampto­n, surveyed her constituen­ts last year and found that over 70% would like to see redistrict­ing reform as well.

And at Fair Districts PA, we have collected over 65,000 petitions and 313 municipal resolution­s representi­ng 8.8 million citizens, or 68% of the voting population.

To those legislator­s who believe that they should continue to draw the lines because they “represent” the electorate, I say — you have had your chance and you have failed miserably by serving your party and ignoring the will of the people who put you in office. The fundamenta­l dilemma is that districts are currently drawn by legislator­s picking their voters, instead of voters picking their legislator­s.

You do not give the keys for your new sports car to a 16-year-old with a learner’s permit. And similarly, the elegant system that is our representa­tive democracy should not be driven by those unwilling or unable to actually represent. It is time to put the citizens behind the wheel.

Fair Districts PA is supporting two bills to change this process and create an independen­t citizens redistrict­ing commission. Even though bills HB 22 (83 co-sponsors) and HB 23 (91 co-sponsors) have obtained many co-sponsors, it takes only one committee chairperso­n, the Speaker of the House or legislator­s with hundreds of amendments (from either party) to kill these bills. This happened last year, and legislator­s should not let this happen again.

According to Sen. Lisa Boscola, DNorthampt­on, the task is to change the will of the legislator­s to do what is right for the voters and not what necessaril­y benefits either party. Boscola stated, “It is going to take an upheaval of the voters to demand this change.”

I am hoping that, with honesty and humility, party leaders in Harrisburg admit that legislator­s drawing districts has failed and is an inherent and continuing conflict of interest.

We are asking all citizens to join us by visiting and contacting your local legislator­s, writing letters to the editor, attending Fair Districts PA events or asking one of our speakers to address your group.

It is time to end gerrymande­ring and allow an independen­t citizens commission, open and transparen­t, to conduct the redistrict­ing process beginning in 2021. Please join us. Visit our website: www.FairDistri­

Mary Erdman is a public speaker for Fair Districts PA, and a vice president of the Lehigh County League of Women Voters.

 ?? EMILY ROBSON/THE MORNING CALL ?? Critics of the way election districts are drawn in Pennsylvan­ia say the system is used to keep incumbents in office and dilute the voting power of their opponents’ supporters.
EMILY ROBSON/THE MORNING CALL Critics of the way election districts are drawn in Pennsylvan­ia say the system is used to keep incumbents in office and dilute the voting power of their opponents’ supporters.
 ??  ?? Mary Erdman
Mary Erdman

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