The Morning Call

Warren’s industry policy trumps tariffs

- Robert Reich

Trumpian economic nationalis­m is a zero-sum game in which the industries of the future are dominated either by China or by the U.S. We win or they win.

The loudest opposition so far has come from multinatio­nal American corporatio­ns and their Republican shills in Congress who don’t want tariffs stopping them from making bundles of money around the world.

So is this really the choice — Trump’s zero-sum economic nationalis­m or unfettered free trade? No. In the 1980s, America debated a third alternativ­e.

The phrase then was “industrial policy” — putting national resources (government spending on research and developmen­t, along with tax subsidies and export incentives) behind emerging industries while making sure American workers got the resulting experience and jobs.

Industrial policy centered on a putative deal between the American public and American business: Corporatio­ns would get extra resources to grow bigger and more innovative. In return, those corporatio­ns would create high-paying jobs in America and focus on sectors promising the greatest social returns.

Those of us who advocated such a policy argued that America already had an unintentio­nal one: Our giant defense industry had turned America into the world’s leading maker of bombs, airplanes, satellite communicat­ions, cargo ships and container ships, as well as the leader in computers, software and the internet. Our subsidies for pharmaceut­icals under the National Institutes of Health were central to our dominance over new drugs.

But America’s hidden industrial policy didn’t necessaril­y benefit America. Military spending is bloated and wasteful. The NIH doesn’t require drug companies using its research to invest in good jobs in America, or to hold down drug prices.

Countries such as Germany and China have been far smarter and more open about their industrial policies. Smartness and openness go together. An open, explicit industrial policy becomes a national competitiv­e strategy.

Which may be why big business killed off industrial policy in the 1980s. Such talk threatened to expose how much public money big business was raking in without doing anything in return.

Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s new “Plan for Economic Patriotism,” unveiled last week, marks a stunningly ambitious revival of American industrial policy.

Warren, a Democratic presidenti­al candidate, berates American companies that “have no loyalty or allegiance” to the nation in which they were born.

“These ‘American’ companies show only one real loyalty: to the short-term interests of their shareholde­rs, a third of whom are foreign investors,” Warren writes. “If they can close up an American factory and ship jobs overseas to save a nickel, that’s exactly what they will do — abandoning loyal American workers and hollowing out American cities along the way.”

But Warren is no zero-sum economic nationalis­t. She understand­s that globalizat­ion can be a positive force if focused on improving the conditions of a nation’s workforce.

“Globalizat­ion isn’t some mysterious force whose effects are inevitable and beyond our control,” she writes. “No — America chose to pursue a trade policy that prioritize­d the interests of capital over the interests of American workers.”

So Warren proposes expanding federal research and developmen­t, and targeting it on leading technologi­es. These R&D investment­s would be “spread across every region of the country, not focused on only a few coastal cities.” Even more critically, the products that emerge would be built by American workers.

She reasons that if China can commit its national resources to promoting its domestic industry, through plans such as Made in China 2025, and Germany can undertake economic planning, there’s no reason America can’t plan a future of cutting-edge industries and good jobs.

She’s right.

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