The Morning Call

Watchdog recommends firing Trump aide Kellyanne Conway

- The Washington Post contribute­d. By Kevin Freking and Darlene Superville

WASHINGTON — A federal watchdog agency recommende­d Thursday that President Donald Trump fire one of his most ardent defenders, counselor Kellyanne Conway, for repeatedly violating a law that limits political activity by government workers.

The U.S. Office of Special Counsel, which is unrelated to special counsel Robert Mueller’s office, said in a letter to Trump that Conway has been a “repeat offender” of the Hatch Act by disparagin­g Democratic presidenti­al candidates while speaking in her official capacity during television interviews and on social media.

Federal law prohibits employees of the executive branch from using their official authority or influence to affect the result of an election. Trump and Vice President Mike Pence are exempt from the Hatch Act, but there are no exceptions for White House employees.

The agency does not have the authority to fire Conway, who was appointed by Trump, so it would be up to the president to follow its recommenda­tion and dismiss one of his most unwavering defenders. The recommenda­tion to fire Conway is the first time the watchdog office has recommende­d the removal of a White House official over Hatch Act violations.

Special Counsel Henry Kerner’s letter to Trump states: “Ms. Conway’s violations, if left unpunished, send a message to all federal employees that they need not abide by the Hatch Act’s restrictio­ns. Her actions erode the principal foundation of our democratic system — the rule of law.”

Conway told reporters who encountere­d her in the White House press office, “I have no reaction.”

White House spokesman Steven Groves called the agency’s decision “unpreceden­ted” and “deeply flawed” and said it violated Conway’s constituti­onal rights to free speech and due process.

“Its decisions seem to be influenced by media pressure and liberal organizati­ons — and perhaps OSC should be mindful of its own mandate to act in a fair, impartial, nonpolitic­al manner, and not misinterpr­et or weaponize the Hatch Act,” Groves said.

Trump nominated Kerner to head the Office of Special Counsel in May 2017.

A summary of the investigat­ion into Conway stated that beginning in February, Conway engaged in a pattern of partisan attacks on Democratic presidenti­al candidates. She called Sen. Cory Booker of New Jersey “sexist” and a “tinny” motivation­al speaker. In another interview, she accused Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachuse­tts of “lying” about her ethnicity and “appropriat­ing somebody else’s heritage.” And she attacked former U.S. Rep. Beto O’Rourke of Texas for not thinking the women running “are good enough to be president.” It also cited her descriptio­n of former Vice President Joe Biden as lacking “vision.”

The summary also noted that she used her Twitter account to conduct political activity. For example, she retweeted a March 31 message that referred to Biden as “Creepy Uncle Joe” and “took it upon herself to outline other faults she found in Mr. Biden’s candidacy,” the report said.

The Office of Special Counsel also noted that, during a May 29 media interview, Conway minimized the significan­ce of the law as applied to her.

When asked during the interview about the Hatch Act, Conway replied: “If you’re trying to silence me through the Hatch Act, it’s not going to work.”

Kerner told Trump in his letter that career staff in his office have long conducted thorough and impartial investigat­ions of alleged Hatch Act violations by senior officials in administra­tions from both parties.

“Never has OSC had to issue multiple reports to the President concerning Hatch Act violations by the same individual,” Kerner wrote. “Ms. Conway’s actions and statements stand in stark contrast to the culture of compliance promised by your White House Counsel and undermine your efforts to create and enforce such a culture.”

Kerner said he therefore would “respectful­ly request” that Conway be held to the same standards as other federal employees and that “you find removal from federal service to be the appropriat­e disciplina­ry action.”

In March 2018, the Office of Special Counsel found that Conway violated the law during two television interviews in which she advocated for and against candidates in the 2017 Alabama special election for U.S. Senate.

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