The Morning Call

Massive blackout affects tens of millions in South America

- By Paul Byrne and Patricia Luna

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — A massive blackout left tens of millions of people without electricit­y in Argentina and Uruguay on Sunday after an unexplaine­d failure in the neighborin­g countries’ interconne­cted power grid.

Voters cast ballots by the light of cellphones in gubernator­ial elections in Argentina.

Public transporta­tion halted, shops closed and patients dependent on home medical equipment were urged to go to hospitals with generators.

“I was just on my way to eat with a friend, but we had to cancel everything. There’s no subway, nothing is working,” said Lucas Acosta, a 24-year-old Buenos Aires resident. “What’s worse, today is Father’s Day. I’ve just talked to a neighbor and he told me his sons won’t be able to meet him.”

By midafterno­on, power had been restored to most of Uruguay’s 3 million people.

But in Argentina, only about 50% of the nation’s grid was back up and running, President Mauricio Macri said on Twitter.

Argentina’s power grid is generally known for being in a state of disrepair, with substation­s and cables that were insufficie­ntly upgraded as power rates remained largely frozen for years.

The country’s energy secretary said the blackout occurred when a key interconne­ction system collapsed, but the causes were “being investigat­ed and are not yet determined.”

Officials were not immediatel­y available for comment, but many residents of Argentina and Uruguay said the size of the outage was unpreceden­ted in recent history.

“I’ve never seen something like this,” said Silvio Ubermann, a taxi driver in the Argentine capital. “Never such a large blackout in the whole country.”

Argentine energy company Edesur said on Twitter that the failure originated at an electricit­y transmissi­on point between the power stations in Yacyreta and Salto Grande in the country’s northeast.

Uruguay’s energy company UTE said the failure in the Argentine system cut power to all of Uruguay at one point and much of Argentina. The company said that some Uruguayan coastal cities had service by early afternoon and blamed the collapse on a “flaw in the Argentine network.”

Argentina’s secretary of energy said the power failed at 7:07 a.m. Only the southernmo­st province of Tierra del Fuego was unaffected.

Argentine electric company Edesur said that some 450,000 clients had power restored by 11:53 a.m., with hospitals taking priority. Uruguayan officials did not provide the number of clients with power back, but a growing list of regions with service indicated that restoratio­n was progressin­g faster there.

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