The Morning Call

Lilly makes sure everyone is asleep before she goes to sleep


Name: Katrina M

Hometown: Coopersbur­g

Type of pet: Dog

Name: Lilly

Age: 8 years old

Breed: Border Collie

Gender: Female

Why she is my friend: She is always there for me and always makes me laugh.

In four words: Fluffy, cute, funny, and silly.

Best trait: Her love for others.

Personalit­y: Lilly is an energetic dog who loves to play with her toys, cuddle and eat scraps under the table.

A funny story: The one day after one of my family members were calling in bills and had to spell our name, our dog started having a temper tantrum. This included barking and spinning around in circles attempting to catch her tail. We discovered she does this with many other things like singing, courting, and saying specific words.

Loves: Lilly loves cookies, sticking her head out of the car window and when her Dad comes home from work. Tricks: Sit, lay down, give paw, bring toys, hide toys, give high-fives, give hugs and does not need a leash when outside.

Exercise: Playing with her deflated soccer ball outside. Nicknames: Ye ye and Lilly Bonile.

Shows affection by: Giving kisses, and putting toys on your lap.

Can usually be found: Laying under the kitchen table, under a tree or on her dog pet with her toy unicorn. Likes to be rubbed: She loves her butt rubbed. Favorite toy: Her unicorn.

Favorite treat: Milkbone cookies, spaghetti, and Frosty Paws.

Afraid of: Thunder.

Worst habit: She will walk away when asked to do command. When you yell at her for doing something bad, she will look in the opposite direction.

Health scares: We thought she had an infection on her leg, however she just bites her leg when she gets bored.

Favorite sleeping spot: On her bed, under the kitchen table, or next to my bed. Favorite animal friend: Her sheep friend Dallas, who lives in the backyard.

Strange but true: She walks around to everyone’s room to make sure everyone is asleep and safe before she goes to bed. If you are not asleep, she will wait in your room until you go to bed.

Comments: Lilly is the best dog I have ever had. She just loves attention and is always up for a good cuddle.


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