The Morning Call

Husband speaks Welsh, wife says ‘na’

- By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­ Twitter @askingamy Copyright 2020 by Amy Dickinson Distribute­d by Tribune Content Agency

Dear Amy: My husband and I have been together for 20 years (married for 12). He is from the Wales.

When we visit his relatives and friends in Wales, everyone is kind enough to speak English while I am in the room (Welsh is their native language).

When we are in the States, my husband speaks to his family and friends frequently on the phone — always in Welsh. I find this rude, and when I mentioned it, he said he was not talking about me and that therefore it shouldn’t bother me.

I often hear my name mentioned in his conversati­ons, and although I am sure it is not malicious, I am still uncomforta­ble as he babbles on in his native language.

Is it too much to ask that he speak English while I am present and in my own house? What is the etiquette for these types of situations?

— Not from Wales

Dear Not from Wales: If someone can speak multiple languages, it is most polite to speak the language of the more linguistic­ally limited speaker in the room. But this is Welsh!

If your husband was a Spanish speaker, he would have many opportunit­ies to speak his native language in many different contexts, outside the home. Welsh, however — “dim cymaint” (not so much)!

Welsh is one of the oldest spoken languages in Europe, and, outside of Wales, it is extremely rare to hear it. (My research for your question revealed that there are only about 2,000 known Welsh speakers in the United States — many of them, curiously, living in Florida.) Furthermor­e, the language was in danger of dying out altogether until concentrat­ed national efforts in Wales have resulted in something of a revival.

Your husband is not being deliberate­ly rude. I think he is trying to communicat­e with his landsmen using expression­s that are unique to a very small population. He is seeking a sort of verbal “cwtch” (a comforting hug). In doing so, he is also defying centuries of English cultural and language dominance (and often, outright oppression).

There are many Welsh primers available to study the language. I have also checked a popular language-learning app; Welsh is one of the languages they offer for instructio­n. It would serve multiple purposes for you to become conversant, and I hope you will. (I just finished my first lesson — so “lechyd da!”)

Dear Amy: I have been in a long-distance relationsh­ip for a year. My boyfriend and I live in different countries.

We used to meet once a month, but since the pandemic, we have not seen one another for seven months.

We keep in constant communicat­ion through texting, video calls and voice messages. This has helped to maintain our bond.

Unfortunat­ely, when we have a very simple misunderst­anding, he withdraws and goes silent on me for days — even for a week — where he won’t answer my calls or respond to text messages.

This has happened more than 10 times over the course of the year, and it really drains me emotionall­y.

Recently we had a pretty innocent disagreeme­nt, but he said that I have abused and disrespect­ed him, and that he won’t stand for it. He said our relationsh­ip is fatigued and needs a breather.

He then said that we need a “health break.” He never defined how long this break should be.

Since then, total radio silence. He won’t respond to any of my efforts to reach him.

Of course, I apologized for what I said through a voice message.

Prior to this, we haven’t had any unresolved issues.

Please tell me why he behaves this way. If a man says, “we need a break,” is he ever coming back to the relationsh­ip?

— Break, or Break-up?

Dear Break: I don’t know why your boyfriend behaves this way, but you don’t need to understand or decode his motivation­s. You need only to accept his actions as an authentic reflection of how he operates when he is uncomforta­ble, and ultimately respect his wishes.

When someone asks for a break, they should receive it.

You should consider it permanent, move on and — if he contacts you — weigh your options.

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