The Morning Call

Scarred by love, scammed by hacker

- By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­ Twitter @askingamy

Dear Amy: I’ve been scammed by a hacker.

I’m a middle-aged woman. My fiancé of five years is a chronic liar, and he has cheated on me. I know in my head that I should leave him, but my heart won’t let me

He is in a 12-step program and says he is trying to change, but I stupidly tried to hire someone to hack his phone.

I sent this person $300. I have an email from them stating that this was the cost. Later the same day, this person said it would cost an additional $120. I refused to send more money because I came to believe that this was a scam. This person now refuses to return my money.

Do I have any recourse? I’m afraid to go to the local police. I’m afraid it’s against the law to hack someone.

I’m out $300, I don’t know what to do. Can I go to the police?

— Scammed by Hacker

Dear Scammed: You seem to have fallen for an “advance fee” scam. I contacted the FBI field office in Chicago for an explainer.

According to agent Siobhan Johnson, FBI Chicago spokespers­on: “In an advance fee scheme, a victim pays for something of value only to receive little to nothing in return. This type of crime is extremely common and appears in many forms.

“When you engage with an online scammer, you open the door to a host of future problems — from cyber intrusions, to identity theft, to extortion. Often, the only way to stop the cycle is through good cyber hygiene (changing passwords frequently, requiring two-factor authentica­tion, etc.) and reporting the crime to law enforcemen­t. More on cyber hygiene can be found on the FBI website:

“The FBI is the lead investigat­ive agency for cybercrime­s, and victims are encouraged to file a report with the Internet Crime Complaints Center (IC3) at”

Now that you know you’ve been had, yes — it is illegal to solicit a phone hacking. No, I don’t think there is much enforcemen­t recourse for you.

You should consider this $300 as an investment toward your own future. You do not trust your boyfriend enough to stay with him. Your judgment is quite flawed when it comes to him. If you turned over any of your (or his) personal informatio­n to the scammer (phone number, bank informatio­n, etc.), you should take steps to correct this. (And if the scammer could hack your boyfriend, couldn’t he also hack you?) If the scammer turns up the pressure or threatens you in any way, you should definitely go to the police.

Dear Amy: My husband passed away two months ago, and I have slowly found out things he has told his family and friends about me and our marriage that are not true.

I am having such a hard time accepting that he is gone. Now that I realize he has told ugly lies about things that are so untrue — I can’t get any closure.

I feel such a sense of betrayal, and I just don’t understand his actions.

His family believes everything he has said, and I feel snubbed by many of our friends. What do I do? Where do I go from here?

— Betrayed

Dear Betrayed: Your first stop should be to a grief counselor or a grief support group. Your local hospice center and hospital will have recommenda­tions for local resources. This is vital.

Write down your thoughts. On paper, refute every single lie and misleading statement you are aware of. I also think that you should correct the record and defend yourself at every turn, if you have the energy (you might not).

This is a terrible betrayal, and unfortunat­ely, you may not uncover his motivation­s for lying about you.

Buddhist thinker Pema Chodron is my go-to sage and comfort. You can dip in and out of her book “When Things Fall Apart: Heart Advice for Difficult Times,” and find wisdom, comfort and healing.

Dear Amy: I thought your advice to “Worried” was way off base. It is not a daughter’s responsibi­lity to take care of her dad with dementia. As long as he has a wife, he is her responsibi­lity. The daughter can help pay for his care, if necessary.

— Disappoint­ed

Dear Disappoint­ed: I hope you warn your spouse.

Copyright 2020 by Amy Dickinson

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