The Morning Call


Revised guidance comes after agency removed statement

- By Apoorva Mandavilli

NEW YORK — Two weeks after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention took down a statement about airborne transmissi­on of the coronaviru­s, the agency Monday replaced it with language citing new evidence that the virus can spread beyond 6 feet indoors.

“These transmissi­ons occurred within enclosed spaces that had inadequate ventilatio­n,” the new guidance said. “Sometimes the infected person was breathing heavily, for example while singing or exercising.”

The incident was only the latest in a series of slow and often puzzling scientific judgments by the CDC and by the World Health Organizati­on since the start of the pandemic.

Despite evidence that use of face coverings can help cut down on viral spread, the CDC did not endorse their use by the public until April, and the WHO did not do so till June.

Regarding aerosols — tiny airborne particles — the CDC lagged behind even the WHO.

In July, 239 experts who study aerosols called on the WHO to acknowledg­e that the coronaviru­s can be transmitte­d by air in any indoor setting and not just after certain medical procedures, as the organizati­on had claimed.

Notably, the CDC’s new guidance softens a previous statement referring to the coronaviru­s as “an airborne virus,” a term that may have required hospitals to treat infected patients in specialize­d rooms and health care workers to wear N95 masks anywhere in a hospital.

The new advice instead says the virus can “sometimes be spread by airborne transmissi­on” and can be spread by both larger droplets and smaller aerosols released when people “cough, sneeze, sing, talk, or breathe.”

But while the virus can be airborne under some circumstan­ces, it is not the primary way the virus spreads, the CDC said.

“I’m a little concerned that they still distinguis­h between close contact and airborne transmissi­on, implying that airborne transmissi­on only matters beyond 6 feet,” said Linsey Marr, an expert in airborne transmissi­on of viruses at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, Virginia.

“Airborne transmissi­on also occurs at close contact and is probably more important than the spray of large droplets.”

The revisions arrived as President Donald Trump received treatment at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, for what may be a severe case of COVID-19, the illness caused by the coronaviru­s.

Trump was discharged from the hospital Monday night.

The new language on the CDC website makes some of the same points as a previous version, which quietly appeared on the CDC website Sept. 18 and was taken down three days later.

At the time, CDC officials said the document had been posted in error and had not yet been cleared through the agency’s rigorous scientific review.

In both documents, the agency emphasized the risk of infection in poorly ventilated indoor environmen­ts.

Under such circumstan­ces, the amount of infectious smaller droplets and particles expelled by the people with COVID-19 “became concentrat­ed enough to spread the virus to other people,” the agency said, even to those who arrived in a room shortly after an infected person had left.

But the new version struck a more conservati­ve tone on airborne transmissi­on, saying it is much more common for the

virus to spread through close contact with an infected person than through airborne transmissi­on.

Some experts praised the softer emphasis on airborne transmissi­on.

“This is consistent with what the epidemiolo­gical data has shown us — opportunis­tic and situationa­l airborne events do occur, but close contact is really

where it’s at,” said Saskia Popescu, a hospital epidemiolo­gist at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

But Monday, a group of aerosol scientists including Marr contended the opposite in a letter to the journal Science.

“There is overwhelmi­ng evidence that inhalation represents a major transmissi­on route,” the researcher­s wrote.

The new guidance takes on urgent importance as cooling temperatur­es send people back indoors, where risk of the virus spreading by air is highest.

The agency’s advice also guides managers of schools, offices, hospitals and other public buildings in preparing for the winter by improving their ventilatio­n systems and taking other precaution­s.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? The coronaviru­s may be able to infect people who are farther than 6 feet away from the person who is infected or after that person has left the space, the CDC said Monday.
DREAMSTIME The coronaviru­s may be able to infect people who are farther than 6 feet away from the person who is infected or after that person has left the space, the CDC said Monday.

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