The Morning Call

Constituti­onalist conservati­ves uphold letter of the law All counties should pass leash laws


Much ado has been made about the personal beliefs of some of the Supreme Court nominees. Ruth Bader Ginsburg had personal beliefs. The guarantee, however, that a judge’s personal beliefs won’ t infringe on their decisions seems to only go one way, and it is not a constituti­onalist conservati­ve that is a danger to impartiali­ty.

Liberal justices have redefined, rewritten and expanded the meaning and applicatio­ns of law to bend them to their whims under the flag of a living, breathing Constituti­on for decades.

Constituti­onalists are committed to an interpreta­tion of law as written, with the original intent paramount. If a strict interpreta­tion of existing law is not sufficient, liberals are admitting that their legislator­s are incompeten­t or unwilling to propose changes needed or that the public would reject those ideas if presented to them. George Roxandich


Its amazing that in Pennsylvan­ia, few cities have a leash law. Most other areas only require dogs be under immediate control of their owners. But if the dog runs off, how is it in immediate control of the owner if it didn’t have a leash for the owner to keep it under control?

All counties in the state of Pennsylvan­ia should require that dogs be on leashes in any public setting, unless it’s a fenced-off dog walk. It only takes the most well-behaved dog a second to get excited and bite someone.

I tell everyone, please, not to walk their dogs on myproperty. I don’t pay a mortgage to have myproperty used as a toilet for other people’s pets. It’s only commonsens­e that a dog cannot be under immediate control in any public setting unless it’s on a leash. Cesar Lopez

Palmer Township

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