The Morning Call

Ad Watch: Wild’s Cedarbook funding claim is misleading

- By Andrew Wagaman Morning Call reporter Andrew Wagaman can be reached at 484-553-7413 or awagaman@

U.S. Rep. Susan Wild, a Democrat first elected in 2018, is facing Republican Lisa Scheller, a businesswo­man and former Lehigh County commission­er, in the 7th Congressio­nal District, which includes Lehigh, Northampto­n and part of southern Monroe County.

The ad

Voiceover: ”The Morning Call said Lisa Scheller’s negative attack ad is ‘not true.’

“Lisa Scheller slashed funding for Cedarbrook nursing home, which now has among the most COVID cases and deaths in the state.”

Susan Wild, on camera: “I’ve worked to get health care costs covered for anyone infected by the virus, and for free testing. Getting more funding to protect nursing homes and front-line workers has been my priority.”

The analysis

Cedarbrook once made money for its owner, Lehigh County. But in the early 2010s the nursing home experience­d a decline in its number of residents and stagnant reimbursem­ent rates, leading to more dependence on county coffers.

Scheller served as a county commission­er from 2012-16, when Republican­s had a 7-2 majority on the board. Commission­ers frequently clashed with Democratic administra­tions over the management of the nursing home and proposed renovation­s. The board also commission­ed multiple reports from an independen­t consultant on Cedarbrook’s operation and finances, leading many to fear it intended

to sell the home. (It didn’t.)

Wild’s ad cites an October 2013 Morning Call article on Lehigh County budget negotiatio­ns. Scheller was among the majority of commission­ers at that time who voted to cut $500,000 from $6.5 million in proposed 2014 subsidies to the nursing home.

But while the final $6 million contributi­on to Cedarbrook was less than what county administra­tors requested for 2014, it far exceeded previous years’ budgeted contributi­ons.

The county budgeted $3.4 million to the nursing home for 2013. That sum proved inadequate — Cedarbrook ultimately needed $7 million to get through the year. Scheller joined every other commission­er in voting that September to provide the supplement­al funds.

In late 2014, commission­ers unanimousl­y voted to withhold $200,000 in the proposed 2015 budget needed to pay Cedarbrook’s management company, LW Consulting. Commission­ers did so in order to force County Executive Tom Muller to bring the management contract in front of them if he wanted it renewed.

Scheller was also among the

commission­ers who balked at a Muller-supported nursing home renovation proposal in 2014 estimated to cost $1.5 million. Instead, the Republican bloc called for an in-depth study of the facility’s future and a clearer picture of its finances.

In early 2015, LW Consulting opted out of renewing its contract with Lehigh County. The management company said the home’s financial challenges were the result of inadequate funding and fragmented policy directives, and complained that commission­ers micromanag­ed and second-guessed decisions. The verdict

During Scheller’s tenure, county commission­ers provided less Cedarbrook funding and acted more deliberate­ly than the county’s executive branch and Cedarbrook’s management team desired. But Wild’s claim that Scheller “slashed” funding is simplistic, and her connecting commission­ers’ frugality to Cedarbrook’s pandemic woes is misleading.

 ??  ?? Democrat incumbent U.S. Rep. Susan Wild, left, holds a lead over Republican challenger Lisa Scheller in a Morning Call/Muhlenberg College poll of the Lehigh Valley-based 7th Congressio­nal District.
Democrat incumbent U.S. Rep. Susan Wild, left, holds a lead over Republican challenger Lisa Scheller in a Morning Call/Muhlenberg College poll of the Lehigh Valley-based 7th Congressio­nal District.

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