The Morning Call

China to issue sanctions on US arms suppliers

- By Joe McDonald

BEIJING — China’s government said Monday that it will impose sanctions on U.S. military contractor­s including Boeing Co.’s defense unit and Lockheed Martin Corp. for supplying weapons to rival Taiwan, stepping up a feud with Washington over security and Beijing’s strategic ambitions.

Raytheon Technologi­es Corp. and “relevant American individual­s” associated with the sales also will be affected, said a Foreign Ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian. He gave no details of what penalties might be imposed or when.

The ruling Communist Party claims Taiwan, which split with the mainland in 1949 during a civil war, as part of its territory and has threatened to invade. Washington promised in the 1980s to reduce and eventually end weapons sales to Taiwan but insists its dispute with Beijing must be settled peacefully.

“In order to safeguard national interests, China decided to impose sanctions on the American companies that were involved in arms sales to Taiwan,” Zhao said.

Washington has no formal relations with Taiwan’s democratic­ally elected government but is its main ally. U.S. law requires the government to ensure the island can defend itself. Weapons sales to Taiwan have increased in quantity and quality.

Last week, Beijing demanded Washington cancel a planned sale of 135 precision land attack missiles valued at just over $1 billion to improve its defenses.

China has stepped up military activity around Taiwan in an attempt to force concession­s from the pro-independen­ce administra­tion of President Tsai Ing-wen. The Communist Party is using the mainland’s growing economic weight to pressure other government­s to cut diplomatic and unofficial ties with Taiwan.

Beijing regularly pressures American companies including Boeing Co. in an effort to influence U.S. policy. China is one of Boeing’s biggest markets for commercial aircraft, which might make it vulnerable to a boycott, but Zhao mentioned only Boeing’s military arm, Boeing Defense.

Lockheed Martin and Raytheon also supply radar and other technology for civilian aviation.

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