The Morning Call

Tending to house plants while on vacation

- Sue Kittek Sue Kittek is a freelance garden columnist, writer, and lecturer. Send questions to Garden Keeper at or mail: Garden Keeper, The Morning Call, PO Box 1260, Allentown, PA 18105.

Hi Sue. I enjoy your column in The Morning Call. Although I am more of an inside gardener I hope you can help me.

I will be going away for 17 days very soon. What can I do with my three houseplant­s? I love them. Shall I just overwater them before I go and hope they make it? Put them in the bathtub with water? Will you be kind enough to advise me. Thank you!

— M Denison

As always, the answer depends. You don’t mention what type of plants you have. Succulents should be fine with just a good watering before you leave. Ideally, get a neighbor or relative to tend those that need frequent watering. But there are a few options:

Gather them together in the tub, give them a good watering, keep the room dark and cool and water them as soon as you get back.

Purchase a self-watering system. I found a few simple ones for under $20.

Create your own watering system. Something as easy as punching some small holes in plastic bottles, filling with water and burying in the soil. See DIY projects online, such as this one on CNET (https://www.cnet. com/how-to/how-to-wateryour-plants-while-youre-away/). Water wicking, using cotton roping to draw water into the soil from a nearby filled container will also work.

You can cover the plants after watering with clear plastic containers or bags but be sure the covering doesn’t touch the plants and be aware that you may return to find a new problem with fungal disease if things stay too wet.

Personally, I like self-watering pots. I am terrible about rememberin­g to water them and I find that those preferring moist soil do well with this option.

I ask readers to add your solutions to the problem of watering plants while away.

Japanese Stilt Grass

Glad to see your column return. I hope all was well during your absence and if not, I hope all is better now.

Japanese Stilt grass is invading our grass at the end of our yard, just before our 2 deep Hosta garden area & into the woods behind our house. I’ve read your articles on eradicatio­n & other ideas online. Thankfully, this summer/fall (2020), I’ve had extra time at home to work on it ... but it seems to be endless & creeping into other areas & flower garden areas. — Ann Tachovsky

Japanese Stilt Grass (Microstegi­um vimineum) is a prevalent and very annoying weed that seems to be here to stay. It is an annual, but it self seeds so freely that it is almost impossible to control. Your best option is a concerted plan of pulling and targeted mowing. It is not enough to keep this weed mowed as it will just bloom on shorter stems. If you can stand it, the best options are to pull/dig the weed before it flowers. Mow after flowers form but before the seeds develop and to use mulch to keep the light from reaching seeds in the soil. I found the article, Japanese Stilt-grass Control in the Home Lawn and Landscape, on the Rutgers Extension website (Cooperativ­e Extension Fact Sheet FS1237) to be quite informativ­e.

Ann included several photograph­s of other weeds. While it is good to know what you are fighting, there are some general weed control options available without resorting to an herbicide or other chemical control. Weeds are best controlled by mechanical means: pulling or digging, or by barriers: mulches, or in extreme cases, covering the area with dark plastic and solarizing the soil.

In the Garden

The onslaught of deer damage continues as the deer, emboldened by hunger, are now eating the rhododendr­on beside the front door. The driveway is a disaster. Surrounded by trees and on the cold side of the hill, we’ve been housebound most of the last week or so.

I remind you all to make sure you have a clear, ice free path to exit your home. Carefully knock down dangerous icicles and keep gutters and downspouts clear. Check to be sure any melting flows away from your foundation. Be kind to pets and wildlife, limiting your pets’ exposure to cold temperatur­es, checking and rinsing ice melts off paws, feeding the birds and providing fresh, unfrozen water if possible.

Week in the Garden Planting

Indoors: Start seed for: Dianthus.

Finish sowing seeds for transplant­ing: Ageratum, lobelia, scabiosa, torenia and verbena.

Next week start: Dahlia, larkspur and portulaca.

Follow a schedule for starting seeds. Check packets for instructio­ns such as start indoors four weeks before last frost date. Then, using a calendar, count back from your area’s date (April 1 0 -1 5 for southern Lehigh Valley, May 1 0 -1 5 for northern areas) for the appropriat­e starting time.


Cut back ornamental grasses. Divide when you see new green growth.

Examine trees and shrubs. Note damaged limbs and candidates for winter pruning. Please check proper pruning informatio­n for each plant and prune as needed and recommende­d.

Take cuttings of African violets and geraniums.

Check germinatio­n rate for all stored seeds and replace those that perform badly with fresh seed this year.

Check for heaved plants, particular­ly when soil temperatur­es are fluctuatin­g between freezing and thawing.

Get seeds for plants you intend to grow from seed.

Keep pathways, driveways and guttering clear of dead plants and leaves.

Cut the flower stalks of amaryllis plants after the flowers fade but keep the greens warm and watered in a sunny area if you plan on keeping them until next year.

Move in some of those bulbs you potted this fall for forcing. Water and move into light as green leaves emerge.


Keep deicing materials, shovels, scrapers and other winter tools in a convenient space.

Maintain winter equipment. Use fresh gas and check for damage before or after each use.

Clean seed starting containers and other pots.

Check supplies for spring and purchase as needed.

Use a humidifier, humidity trays or misting to increase the humidity around your houseplant­s.

Mark off beds, new plantings, plants that are late to break dormancy in the spring and delicate plants. Stay off them when dealing with snow removal.

Provide deer, rabbit and groundhog protection for vulnerable plants. Reapply taste or scent deterrents.

Clean and fill bird feeders regularly. Clean up spilled seed and empty hulls. Dump, scrub and refill birdbaths at least once a week. Consider a heater to provide water during cold weather.

Clear gutters and direct rainwater runoff away from house foundation­s.

Tools, equipment and supplies

Inventory, clean, disinfect, restock, and store seed starting and potting supplies.

Clean and repair spring/ summer tools. Replace or send for service now.


Photograph storm damage before clearing or repairing for insurance claims and file promptly.

Avoid tick and mosquito bites: Use an insect repellent containing Deet on the skin.

Apply a permethrin product to clothing. Wear light-colored clothing, long sleeves, hats and long pants when working in the garden.

Stay hydrated. Drink water or other non-caffeinate­d, nonalcohol­ic beverages.

Apply sunscreen, wear hats and limit exposure to sun.

Wear closed-toe shoes and gloves; use eye protection; and use ear protection when using any loud power tools.

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