The Morning Call

Players stunned by Woods accident

- By Wayne Fish Flyingfish­

Any profession­al athlete will tell you about gratitude for their gift when it comes to their line of work.

That especially comes into focus when it goes beyond sports and affects quality of life.

So it came as no surprise Wednesday when both Flyers coach Alain Vigneault and defenseman Justin Braun discussed their reaction to Tuesday’s automobile accident involving golfer Tiger Woods.

While the injuries suffered by Woods in the mishap on a California highway were not life-threatenin­g, a long rehabilita­tion is expected. If nothing else, the incident goes to show just how precious, and possibly fleeting, good health can be.

There was a general feeling Woods was fortunate to get out of the scary situation alive. Anyone who saw the photos probably contemplat­ed briefly about their own mortality.

Braun, who recently recovered from a bout with COVID-19, said when he heard and saw details of the Woods crash, it made him stop and think.

“It’s tough to see,’’ Braun said in a media Zoom call after Wednesday morning’s limited skate at the Skate Zone in Voorhees, New Jersey. “[Woods] is trying to make another comeback after [back] surgery. You wake up and the guy’s rolled over in a car accident.

“It does make you think. It feels pretty surreal, that life can change that quick.”

Fortunatel­y, Woods escaped with only some severe injuries to his right leg. With medical science being what it is today, there’s probably hope that he can make a comeback the way Washington quarterbac­k Alex Smith did with similar leg damage.

New respect for COVID-19 severity

Like captain Claude Giroux, Braun went through a few tough days with COVID-19 symptoms down in Washington after the game against the Caps on Feb. 7. He’s just now getting his legs back under him.

“It was tough,’’ Braun recalled. “Probably four or five days where I was not in good shape. But after that, it was recover and a lot of sleep. Just try and get my energy back.’’

Braun hopes to return to action Saturday at Buffalo.

For more from Wayne Fish, see FlyingFish­ and his book on the Flyers, The Big 50.

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