The Morning Call

What is Hamas’ strategy in ongoing conflict with Israel?


By Eli Lake

According to its exiled political leader, Hamas’ war strategy — if that’s the proper term for raining hundreds of randomly fired rockets on Israel — is working. In a televised address Tuesday evening, Ismail Haniya called the barrage a “victory” and “an honor for our people.”

This rhetoric is not unusual. Hamas always claims to win the wars it loses. In 2012, after suffering a humiliatin­g defeat to Israel, a popular perfume appeared in a shop in Gaza named for the Hamas missile that reached Tel Aviv. The shop owner said it commemorat­ed a military “victory” that left much of Gaza in shambles.

This time around, the Hamas offensive makes even less military sense. Israel has a very effective missile and rocket defense system that has intercepte­d most of Hamas’ rockets in midair. While a few have gotten through, the rockets do not seem to be breaking the will of the Israeli people. Indeed, the short-term consequenc­e of the Hamas escalation has been to unify an Israeli government that was unraveling behind its polarizing prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.

Hamas is clearly hoping to leverage the images of Israel’s counteratt­ack in Gaza against its adversary after the fighting stops. This, too, follows a pattern. Following a war in 2008 and 2009, the U.N. Human Rights Council formed a special commission to study war crimes on both sides. Both were found to have committed atrocities, a penalty that means nothing to a terrorist organizati­on. Hamas lost the military battle, but it won a public relations war to further delegitimi­ze Israel.

This helps explain why Hamas can claim that Israel is starving Palestinia­ns with its tight control of the Gaza border, yet also devote money and resources to build imprecise rockets and missiles to launch at Israel every few years. It also explains why Hamas hides its weapons and ammunition in schools and mosques. Most militaries try to protect civilians. Hamas actively exploits them.

This is a fact that appears to be lost on the Internatio­nal Criminal Court, for which the escalation of violence raises the prospect of possible war crimes.

By contrast, it is a fact very much on the mind of Israel’s most important ally. Asked about the disparity in casualties of Israelis and the Palestinia­ns, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Wednesday: “There is first a very clear and absolute distinctio­n between a terrorist organizati­on, Hamas, that is indiscrimi­nately raining down rockets — in fact, targeting civilians — and Israel’s response defending itself that is targeting the terrorists who are raining down rockets on Israel.”

No Arab leaders or diplomats have gone that far in their public statements, though a U.S. official told me this week that the message from regional allies has been muted. This also makes sense. Last year, Israel signed peace agreements with four Arab states that share a common enemy in the region: Iran, which also happens to be one of the most important patrons of Hamas. Hamas is also the Palestinia­n chapter of the Muslim Brotherhoo­d, an organizati­on that Israel’s new Arab friends consider a threat.

Twenty years ago, Palestinia­n provocatio­ns and Israeli counteratt­acks were enough to spoil and strain America’s relationsh­ip with its Arab allies. In 2001, Saudi Arabia’s ambassador to Washington delivered a warning to the George W. Bush administra­tion that if it did not take a more evenhanded role in the Israeli-Palestinia­n conflict, then Saudi Arabia would reassess its relationsh­ip with the U.S.

In 2021, the Saudis are more worried about nations that support Hamas than about Israel’s response to Hamas. And even a new U.S. administra­tion that seeks a nuclear deal with Iran doesn’t accept the idea of moral equivalenc­e between the sovereigns of Gaza and the Jewish state.

That raises again the question of what exactly is Hamas’ strategy. Ismail Haniya’s comments notwithsta­nding, Hamas is not winning. Nor is it weakening Israelis’ resolve. The only thing Hamas is spoiling is the prosperity and security of the Palestinia­n people.

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