The Morning Call

Use aid to hike pay for those who work with disabled


As Pennsylvan­ia finally begins to emerge from more than a year of fear, lockdowns and restrictio­ns, it is important to look back over the year and reflect on the valuable lessons we learned during the height of the pandemic.

While some fortunate individual­s were able to work remotely, there were thousands of front-line workers who had no choice but to report to work every day and risk their own health to protect the lives of vulnerable people, and in doing so, keeping the economy alive.

Gov. Tom Wolf recognized the sacrifices of front-line workers during the pandemic, stating this past fall, “Pennsylvan­ians who work front-line, essential jobs during this pandemic deserve our gratitude and our respect, but even more, they deserve compensati­on for their hard work.”

Republican­s and Democrats in the General Assembly responded by making temporary hazard pay available to a variety of critical industries including health care, food production, retail food sales, social assistance, janitorial, transporta­tion and security.

While temporary hazard pay helped front-line workers, the pandemic exposed major fault lines in our state’s economy, health care systems and the way the state serves the most vulnerable among us including children, the elderly and people with disabiliti­es. Many members of the public realized the people we depend upon most to care for our family members are also the most poorly paid.

Before there was any progress on vaccine developmen­t or distributi­on, front-line workers, including direct support profession­als who support people with intellectu­al disabiliti­es and autism, were working long hours, exposing themselves to COVID-19. Despite the risks, these workers knew that if they did not report to their jobs, the people they cared for would be placed in great jeopardy, some exposed not just to the pandemic, but also in jeopardy for their lives without daily support.

Thankfully, with help from former President Trump’s initial work on Operation Warp Speed, President Biden’s successful vaccine distributi­on plan, as well as the Pennsylvan­ia Department of Health’s rollout plan, life is beginning to return to some semblance of normalcy.

However, as the state reopens with more and more people receiving vaccinatio­ns, the fault lines in our economy and health care system will remain dangerous and risky unless our state’s leaders rise to the occasion and fix critical sectors within our state.

The American Rescue Plan, enacted this past April by Congress, will provide the state with more than $7.3 billion to help address these issues.

For people with intellectu­al disabiliti­es and autism and their families, the pandemic only made worse an already major crisis. Direct support profession­als, the backbone of programs that enable people with disabiliti­es to live in the community in either their own homes or supported living, have long suffered from low wages set by the governor and General Assembly through an inadequate state rate system and underfunde­d annual appropriat­ions.

Before the pandemic, the community disability system was teetering on the edge of viability with turnover rates (workers quitting their jobs within the first year) of nearly 40%. The pandemic increased the turnover rate to a statewide average of 80%, a level that would cripple any other business. The state’s temporary hazard pay assistance was helpful, but sadly just temporary.

To go forward, it is incumbent upon Gov. Wolf and the General Assembly to aid the disability community once again. Help can come from the use of American Rescue Plan dollars to enact a variety of policy choices, including a request by state provider associatio­ns of an additional $540 million in temporary assistance; or the recommenda­tion by some legislator­s and advocates to reform the state’s disability provider rate system to provide a living wage for direct support profession­als.

With hope and thoughtful reflection, perhaps the lessons of the pandemic will not be lost or forgotten.

Gary Blumenthal is vice president of government­al relations and advocacy at InVision Human Services, a nonprofit provider of residentia­l and employment services for people with intellectu­al disabiliti­es. The company is based in Wexford, Allegheny County, and Reading.

 ?? ABEL URIBE/CHICAGO TRIBUNE ?? The COVID-19 pandemic shined a spotlight on the low pay given most direct support profession­als for the disabled and brought federal aid to help them. Even as the pandemic begins to ease in the U.S. those workers still need the government assistance, the writer asserts.
ABEL URIBE/CHICAGO TRIBUNE The COVID-19 pandemic shined a spotlight on the low pay given most direct support profession­als for the disabled and brought federal aid to help them. Even as the pandemic begins to ease in the U.S. those workers still need the government assistance, the writer asserts.
 ??  ?? Gary Blumenthal
Gary Blumenthal

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