The Morning Call

Anti-Trump Republican­s dream of new party

- By Matt Welch

Just as May flowers follow April showers, so too do presidenti­al campaigns fertilize the political soil for fanciful, post-election dreams of sprouting viable new third parties.

“We … declare our intent to catalyze an American renewal,” wrote

150 mostly Republican ex-politician­s and security-state veterans on May

13 in a breathless joint letter, “and to either re-imagine a party dedicated to our founding ideals or else hasten the creation of such an alternativ­e.”

This new movement, posited co-founders Evan McMullin and Miles Taylor in a follow-up Economist essay, seeks either to wean the GOP from its “cult of personalit­y” around Donald Trump or to “unify American voters who have been rendered politicall­y homeless into a new political tribe — a resistance movement of ‘rationals’ against ‘radicals.’ ”

Well, good luck with that. Political independen­ts are a fractious bunch. Building third parties from scratch without benefit of money or celebrity is an almost unfathomab­ly dreary slog, and the last five-plus years of Republican politics has produced a series of humiliatio­ns for the #NeverTrump right.

If the American Renewal founders’ names sound vaguely familiar, it’s because they are two of the many antiTrump bugs that have splatted on the windshield of MAGA.

McMullin, an ex-CIA officer, mounted a late-breaking independen­t presidenti­al run in 2016, finishing in fifth place with 0.5% of the vote. Taylor, a former Department of Homeland Security chief of staff, made a media stir in 2018 with an anonymous New York Times op-ed titled “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside the Trump Administra­tion.” Few people could pick the two men out of a police lineup; meanwhile, Trump remains by far the most popular

politician in the party.

Joining McMullin and Taylor are several other signatorie­s who’ve tangled with Trump and lost: former 2016 Jeb Bush strategist Mike Murphy, shortlived White House communicat­ions director Anthony Scaramucci, and the “three stooges” (in Trump’s derisive words): Bill Weld, Joe Walsh and Mark Sanford. They ran against the 45th president in the 2020 GOP primaries and lost the popular vote by a combined 93 percentage points.

Reforming the Republican Party from within seems a tall order at a time when half the GOP congressio­nal delegation voted against certifying the 2020 presidenti­al election, and when last names

such as Cheney and Romney are radioactiv­e. So what about some new Third Way?

Here’s where the odds really get long. “At the risk of understate­ment,”

Joe Bishop-Henchman, chair of the 50-year-old Libertaria­n Party told me in January, “starting a new political party is very hard. It requires a lot of money, a lot of work, a lot of volunteers.”

Would-be newcomer partyers are at a massive fundraisin­g disadvanta­ge from the jump. The Federal Elections Commission only allows parties with “national committees” to accept individual donations as high as $35,000; the rest have to make do with checks for $5,000 apiece. In order to be recognized

by the FEC as having a national committee, parties must jump through all kinds of hoops, such as holding a national convention and running a “sufficient number of party-designated federal candidates on the ballot in a sufficient number of states in different geographic areas.”

Now, you may believe as I believe that such rules are unfair, but let’s remember who writes them: officials elected and appointed by the two major political parties that together have combined for at least 97% of the presidenti­al vote in 18 of the last 24 elections, including four of the last five. And as we’ve seen from 2021 controvers­ies in states as varied as Georgia and New York, the partisan wrangling over rewriting election law has become an ugly exercise in brute political strength.

I, too, would love to see a Republican Party that moves on from and repudiates the worst aspects of Donald Trump. But then again, I’m not a Republican. The 74 million people who voted for the guy in 2020 are not likely to be persuaded by haughty ex-spooks and 1990s reform governors threatenin­g to hold their breath until enough people declare Orange Man Bad.

With every week come new developmen­ts — the debate over a launching a bipartisan Jan. 6 commission, for example — reminding us, with the everable assistance of the media, that many Republican­s will continuous­ly warp their principles to stay profession­ally viable while Trump’s spell on the party still holds. It isn’t pretty to watch. But nor is looking the other way as a Democratic-run Washington zooms through record spending bills without much in the way of scrutiny.

If it’s true that Republican­s can’t quite quit Trump, it may also be true that neither can the media nor the #NeverTrump right.

As evidenced by the fundraisin­g prowess of the Lincoln Project, the Trump-tweaking political action committee, several of whose co-founders have signed onto American Renewal, there is a market out there for selling Democrats the dream of a fractured GOP. As if on cue, the new movement has already been invited onto MSNBC and saluted by Stephen Colbert.

Turns out that’s the easy part. Ask the 35 GOP House members who voted for the Jan. 6 commission whether they think the “rationals” will soon win over the “radicals.” As for a meaningful new party, even McMullin and Taylor acknowledg­e “it would be the Mount Everest of political challenges.”

If American Renewal is going to be more than a fundraisin­g vehicle, better start climbing now.

 ?? FILE ?? David Evan McMullin, former Central Intelligen­ce Agency operations officer and independen­t 2016 presidenti­al candidate, addresses the crowd at the Nobody is Above the Law Rally on Dec. 18, 2019, in Washington, D.C.
FILE David Evan McMullin, former Central Intelligen­ce Agency operations officer and independen­t 2016 presidenti­al candidate, addresses the crowd at the Nobody is Above the Law Rally on Dec. 18, 2019, in Washington, D.C.

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