The Morning Call

Flight or fight? These passengers choose both

- By Amy Dickinson askamy@amydickins­ Twitter@askingamy

Dear Amy: On a short airplane flight, I was seated next to a woman who chatted to me nonstop about this and that, while I listened and smiled politely. When she started to voice opinions that I didn’t share and didn’t want to discuss, I tried to wrap up the conversati­on and turned to my phone.

I texted my daughter an unkind remark about the woman, which the woman saw; she would have had to make an effort to see what I was writing.

The woman became upset, and I felt terrible.

I apologized profusely. The flight attendants even got involved.

We were both silent for the rest of the flight.

At the time I chastised myself for writing something snarky about my seatmate, but the more I thought about it, I wondered if I needed to feel so bad. After all, the remark had not been directed at her, and she took it upon herself to read a private communicat­ion. What do you think?

— Testy Traveler

Dear Testy: Your seatmate failed to “read the room,” but some travelers are nervous or excited and choose to distract themselves through chatter (I have now trained myself to respect my seatmate’s privacy until at most 10 minutes before landing).

Your seatmate also failed to read you, as someone who knows how to smile and act politely without actually being polite.

You have the right to think whatever snarky thoughts you might have, but when you commit them to writing, your thoughts will take on a life of their own.

No, she should not have read your text, but she did read it. Your question to yourself should be: “Should I have written the text in the first place?”

If your middle school child reported to you that she wrote a snarky note about a fellow classmate, but the classmate intercepte­d it, read it and responded badly, would you encourage your child to justify her own actions the way you are doing?

Generally speaking, if you feel badly about your own behavior, then go ahead and lean into that feeling, because there is a high likelihood that you behaved badly.

If you want to move through a world that is gentler, more respectful and kinder, then the better behavior might as well start with you.

And let us acknowledg­e the often thankless role of flight attendants, who are there to see to our safety, but end up using their valuable energy negotiatin­g this sort of nonsense.

Dear Amy: I’ve lost touch with some very close friends during the pandemic. Honestly, I was just feeling down (fortunatel­y, not sick). I wouldn’t describe it as depression, but more as just not having any energy.

I’m feeling much better now, but I’m a little unsure about how to pick up the pieces of these friendship­s. Any suggestion­s?

— Distant

Dear Distant: I believe that your situation is likely extremely common, as many of us seem to have been in a state of torpor. I prescribe … postcards! Write out a sincere message. Here’s a start: “Dear Friend, I’m sending this postcard from my couch, where I seem to have spent the last year or so. I am so sorry that I seem to have fallen off the edge of the world, but I am emerging now. I hope you will forgive me for not being in touch, and I am crossing my fingers that you’ll still take my calls, so we can resume where we left off. I’ve thought of you so often, and truly ‘wish you were here!’ ”

Dear Amy: “Worried Dad” was concerned about his 9-year-old son because the boy’s mother (Dad’s ex) commented that he was “getting a belly.”

As a retired K-8 school nurse, I was keenly aware of the kids’ body images during puberty. I’d like to remind people that this boy is near the prepubesce­nt age when children often gain weight and become chubby before the growth spurt of puberty, after which they usually return to their more normal weight pattern.

This could be a teaching moment for the Dad, and a way to help his son feel OK.

Maybe an understand­ing dad will help bolster the son against mom’s sharp tongue.

— Former School Nurse

Dear Nurse: I appreciate your insightful “diagnosis.” Thank you!

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