The Morning Call

Residents cautiously return to Kyiv

Tension seeps out after city had been in grips of conflict

- By Andrew E. Kramer

It had been a sound missing from Ukraine’s capital for months. Then, on a balmy spring afternoon, the chatter of children’s voices again filled a playground.

In a park beside the sky-blue cathedral of St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Monastery in central Kyiv, a few young children clambered over a jungle gym and rocked on a seesaw.

Mothers stood idly by, chatting. The scene captured the mood of Kyiv these days, as tension slowly seeps out of a city that for weeks had been in the grips of an almost unimaginab­le, electric state of alarm.

In the early days of the war, families fled. The thud of artillery echoed through the streets. Countless sandbag checkpoint­s went up. And looming over the city was the prospect of fighting in the streets or a drawn-out siege.

Now, a month after the Ukrainian army defeated the Russian forces that had partly encircled Kyiv, the city is enjoying a return to something like normalcy.

For most of April, more residents returned to the capital than those who left, although the mayor has recommende­d that most families refrain from returning while threats from the ongoing war linger.

The prewar population of the metropolit­an area of Kyiv was 4 million; it dropped by half over a few hectic days in February. Despite some families returning, many with children remain in western Ukraine or as refugees in Europe.

Back in March, Honey Café, a cozy bakery and coffee shop on Yaroslaviv Val Street that for unclear

reasons reopened for business quickly, seemed the only spot in town to sit down for coffee. Even so, servers warned, “Don’t sit near the windows,” lest an explosion spray glass shards.

Today, sidewalk cafes are popping up throughout Kyiv. Some restaurant­s are packed again, the once usual, if unwelcome, state of affairs. At Tin Tin Food Spot, a restaurant beside the city’s bicycle racing track, a lunchtime crowd filled every seat on a Sunday afternoon.

The mood of the residents is one of deep gratefulne­ss that the city is still standing and life can resume. It has made for a general sense of bonhomie.

On a recent hourslong walk, meandering through the cobbleston­e back streets of the Golden Gate and Podil neighborho­ods, passersby smiled or nodded pleasantly.

The chestnut trees were in bloom. And from time to time, on the crests of hills, the city’s still-intact skyline of golden church cupolas and high-rise buildings came into view.

To be sure, the war is still raging in eastern Ukraine. Cities such as Mariupol and Kharkiv are shelled daily. And few in Kyiv discount another attempt on the capital, should the Russian army muster the strength. Tens of thousands of residents of Kyiv have relatives in combat in the east who are in grave danger.

The vicious street fighting and widespread human rights abuses by the Russian army in Kyiv’s suburban towns, including Irpin and Bucha, left residents traumatize­d and most likely facing months or years of emotional adjustment before any sense of safety returns, officials and aid workers have said.

And countless families have been separated as they have been forced to flee their homes, either as internally displaced people or as refugees to other countries in Europe.

Russian cruise missiles, fired from hundreds of miles away, still target the capital from time to time, striking military sites and residentia­l buildings. But they are isolated strikes, for now posing little general risk to residents.

And so, after weeks of upheaval and clenched nerves, Kyiv has become a city where, at the least, just one ordinary spring day can again be enjoyed as a small blessing.

 ?? EMILIO MORENATTI/AP PHOTOS ?? As normalcy slowly returns after the Russian retreat, people gather and talk outside a terrace bar last week in central Kyiv.
EMILIO MORENATTI/AP PHOTOS As normalcy slowly returns after the Russian retreat, people gather and talk outside a terrace bar last week in central Kyiv.
 ?? ?? A couple on a street in central Kyiv. Threats from the ongoing war linger in the Ukrainian capital.
A couple on a street in central Kyiv. Threats from the ongoing war linger in the Ukrainian capital.

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