The Morning Call

Jerusalem refugee camp reels from Israeli crackdown

Already cut off from the city, restrictio­ns lead to anger, unrest

- By Isabel Debre

JERUSALEM — A line of cars snaked through the garbage-strewn streets of the Shuafat refugee camp in east Jerusalem, as Palestinia­ns waited to pass an Israeli checkpoint.

Alaa Gharab was sunk down behind the steering wheel at an intersecti­on that resembled a ragged war zone, littered with burnt tires, gutted appliances and the charred carcass of a car.

It was the first time she could leave the camp since Oct. 8, when a Palestinia­n gunman fired at the checkpoint from close range, killing a 19-year-old female Israeli soldier and severely wounding a security guard before disappeari­ng toward Shuafat.

The attack prompted a large-scale and ongoing manhunt. As part of the search, Israeli security forces choked off the camp’s entry and exit points, bringing life to a standstill for its estimated 60,000 residents.

The restrictio­ns set off an explosion of anger in Palestinia­n neighborho­ods across the city. Palestinia­n shops shuttered in protest by day and crowds of young men skirmished with Israeli troops by night — the fiercest unrest in months.

“No one could go to work, go to the hospital, get food, go out,” Gharab, a 24-yearold nurse, said from her car window. “Everyone was scared. Everything stopped.”

The restrictio­ns eased on Thursday, allowing food and supplies to enter and residents to return to work in the city. But the outrage was undimmed in Jerusalem’s only refugee camp — a neighborho­od long left in a vacuum of governance.

Fleur Hassan-Nahoum, a Jerusalem deputy mayor, described the closures as a matter of security.

But to camp residents, it felt like a siege.

“It was like being in prison,” said 14-year-old Sadeen Rajabi, who stayed home from school for the week because of the difficulty of crossing and her parents’ fears for her safety.

Even in normal times, Shuafat is a lawless slum full of smoldering garbage heaps because it lacks municipal services. The camp falls within the Jerusalem municipal limits, but outside the separation barrier that Israel says it built to stem militant attacks from the occupied West Bank. Palestinia­ns have decried the barrier, which often slices through communitie­s, as a land grab.

After the 1967 Middle East war, Israel annexed the eastern, Palestinia­n-populated half of Jerusalem and declared the entire city its capital in a move not recognized internatio­nally. The government expanded the municipal limits far past the Old City, home to Jerusalem’s holy sites, taking in far-flung Palestinia­n villages like Shuafat and the adjacent refugee camp. At the time, the camp had just a few thousand residents.

Anger has been building across the Israeli-annexed sector of the city, where many Palestinia­ns say they feel abandoned by Israel. Residents complain of home demolition­s and the near impossibil­ity of obtaining Israeli building permits. Palestinia­n residents of Jerusalem pay Israeli municipal taxes but receive a fraction of the services that Jewish residents do.

The feeling of being in limbo is perhaps no more acute than in the Shuafat camp, one of several Palestinia­n neighborho­ods that are formally part of Jerusalem, but are on the “West Bank side” of the separation barrier. The Palestinia­n Authority, which exercises limited control in parts of the West Bank, has no jurisdicti­on. The U.N. agency for Palestinia­n refugees runs part of the camp, providing educationa­l and sanitation services.

Omar Sarhan, a shop owner restocking his shelves on Thursday for the first time in a week, said the camp feels cut off from the city.

“We do not feel we’re in Jerusalem,” he said. “We have nothing.”

Water and electricit­y shortages are frequent. Sewer services are unreliable. Roads are potholed. There’s virtually no garbage pickup. High-rise apartments, some over 10 stories tall, are built so close together in some areas as to be a fire hazard. Israeli police rarely enter to crack down on surging crime.

The road into the rest of Jerusalem is both a lifeline and a potential chokepoint. Most residents have permanent residency in the city, meaning they have freedom of movement, unlike West Bank Palestinia­ns who need special entry permits.

But the access is strictly controlled. When Israeli security forces escalated searches at the main Shuafat checkpoint, residents said it upended their lives. Patients couldn’t reach Israeli hospitals because of hourslong waits. Ambulances idled in snarled traffic. Deliveries of food and medicine stopped. Most of the camp’s 15,000 children missed school.

Residents shared stories of desperatio­n.

“Yes, the attacker is from the camp, but why are tens of thousands of people held accountabl­e?” said Hassan Alequm, a health official who reported that 50 patients with kidney disease recently missed their dialysis appointmen­ts at Israeli hospitals.

Dr. Saeed Salameh said his medical center was flooded with requests to help patients who couldn’t make it to hospitals. The clinic offered painkiller­s until it ran out of IVs. Then it was struck by tear gas canisters and forced to close.

Hiba, a 50-year-old hepatitis patient with diabetes who gave only her first name, hadn’t received an insulin injection in five days.

“I couldn’t leave my house because of the gas,” she said.

Many families stayed inside as tear gas veiled the camp. But thousands rushed into the streets to confront Israeli security forces in what residents described as the worst clashes in recent memory. Israeli forces unleashed rubber bullets, stun grenades and tear gas on young men hurling stones and firebombs.

“It was the first time I’ve seen that kind of violence in the camp,” said Mohammed Salah, 32.

On Wednesday night, clashes spread across east Jerusalem neighborho­ods.

The surging tensions in Jerusalem come as violence rises across the West Bank, where more than 120 Palestinia­ns have been killed so far in 2022 — the deadliest round of fighting in seven years.

Confrontat­ions have escalated since a series of Palestinia­n attacks killed 19 people in Israel last spring.

Israel says most of the Palestinia­ns killed have been militants. But stone-throwing youths protesting the incursions and others uninvolved in clashes have also been killed.

Palestinia­ns want the occupied West Bank and Gaza as territorie­s for their future state, with east Jerusalem as their capital. But adjacent to the Shuafat refugee camp and other Palestinia­n enclaves in Jerusalem, Israel has built Jewish settlement homes for some 220,000 people.

Israel’s police said Friday it was calling up reserve units of the border police — a paramilita­ry force known for using tough tactics to quell Palestinia­n unrest.

“The fighters will continue to act with a heavy hand, using all advanced means against violators of public order,” said Amir Cohen, the commander of the border police.

 ?? MAHMOUD ILLEAN/AP ?? Israeli police arrest a Palestinia­n during clashes Wednesday in Shuafat in east Jerusalem.
MAHMOUD ILLEAN/AP Israeli police arrest a Palestinia­n during clashes Wednesday in Shuafat in east Jerusalem.

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