The Morning Call

Government­s need to deliver washing machine filters

- By Matt Simon Matt Simon is a science journalist at Wired magazine, where he covers the environmen­t, biology, and robotics. He’s the author of “A Poison Like No Other: How Microplast­ics Corrupted Our Planet and Our Bodies.”

An environmen­tal crisis is brewing in your washing machine.

We’re all familiar with macroplast­ic pollution — the big stuff like soda bottles that litter our streets and parks. But microplast­ic pollution — which scientists define as particles smaller than 5 millimeter­s — has spread like a plague over the entirety of planet Earth.

When you wash a load of clothing made from synthetic fabrics, like polyester and nylon, millions of tiny fibers break off and flush into the environmen­t. The land, sea and air is now saturated with these plastic microfiber­s. That’s on top of other sources of microplast­ics such as car tires, paint chips, cigarette butts and broken-up macroplast­ics.

After wastewater flows to a treatment facility, around 10% of plastic microfiber­s are flushed out to bodies of water. Since 1950, the microfiber equivalent of 7 billion fleece jackets have fouled water bodies. And by 2050, washing machines will release

1.5 billion pounds of microplast­ics each year.

Evidence shows that these particles are extremely harmful to ocean life, as smaller animals like fish larvae mistake them for food, filling up their bellies and decreasing their appetite, or they outright choke on the fibers. A liter of seawater can now contain thousands of microplast­ics; even sediment from the Mariana Trench — the deepest spot in the ocean — is infested.

The remaining 90% of microfiber­s in wastewater are sequestere­d in “sludge,” human waste that’s spread on croplands as fertilizer. This means we’re applying concentrat­ed microplast­ics to the food we eat. These particles are highly toxic to earthworms and other organisms that keep soil healthy. And when the soil dries out, winds scatter microfiber­s into the atmosphere, where they blow around the world. According to one study, the equivalent of billions of plastic bottles could be falling on the United States as microplast­ics each year.

What that means for human health, scientists are only beginning to explore. But studies are finding microplast­ics in our blood, lungs, bowels and placentas. They’re even in newborns’ first feces, so mothers are passing the particles to their children in the uterus. That’s particular­ly concerning given the number of endocrine-disrupting chemicals in microplast­ics. Even in very small doses, these contaminan­ts severely impact human developmen­t.

Our clothing is a major source of these particles: Two-thirds of garments are now made of synthetic fibers. We have removable lint filters on our clothes dryers, which keeps the fluff from accumulati­ng and catching on fire. But we don’t have microfiber filters on our washing machines — at least, not yet. France is leading the way with new regulation­s, requiring that all machines come with filters pre-installed by 2025.

We need the same kind of law in every other country. Every government should distribute microfiber filters to its citizens, free of charge, to confront this environmen­tal emergency. Keep in mind that government­s were handing out oodles of stimulus checks during the pandemic and shipping COVID-19 tests right to our doors. Distributi­ng washing machine filters would be cheaper than those investment­s — about $50 per household.

The United States has around 100 million washing machines, which would work out to about $5 billion. Heck, if a billionair­e was serious about saving the world, they’d foot the bill on their own. It’s a small price to pay to curtail microfiber pollution, which is best stopped at the source.

As plastics production increases exponentia­lly, so too does the concentrat­ion of microplast­ics. Nowhere on Earth is untouched, making this an unpreceden­ted environmen­tal crisis. By putting microfiber filters on as many washing machines as possible, we can at least stanch the flow of microplast­ics into our environmen­t — and our bodies.

 ?? DREAMSTIME ?? When you wash a load of clothing made from synthetic fabrics, like polyester and nylon, millions of tiny fibers break off and flush into the environmen­t.
DREAMSTIME When you wash a load of clothing made from synthetic fabrics, like polyester and nylon, millions of tiny fibers break off and flush into the environmen­t.

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